Causes of bronchial asthma

The causes of bronchial asthma become understandable only after studying the mechanism that “triggers” the pathology. The effect of an external or internal stimulus on hypersensitive bronchi is manifested in swelling of their internal walls, mucus secretion and spasm. This significantly narrows the lumen of the bronchi and violates their main function – gas exchange. In this case, an attack of bronchial asthma occurs, accompanied by a cough, shortness of breath or suffocation.

Causes of Allergic Bronchial Asthma

There are many reasons for the development of bronchial asthma. In the first place in the frequency of the onset of the disease are allergic components: both external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous). Factors acting from the outside belong to one of three groups: 

  1. Physical. This is cold, heat, often the reason is a sharp change in temperature.
  2. Chemical. These include household chemicals, some drugs, perfumes, various unnatural food additives, tobacco smoke. The cause of bronchial asthma is also the polluted air of large cities with industrial facilities and transport exhausts. At risk are employees of enterprises where there is metal, wood, coal, silicate dust, etc.
  3. Biological. Household dust mites, organic dust, the coat of various animals, bacteria, viruses, etc. 

Among the most common endogenous factors for the development of bronchial asthma are stressful situations and physical activity. Mixed bronchial asthma also occurs . It is provoked simultaneously by a number of reasons related to various groups.  

The role of heredity

It is proved that heredity is of great importance in the likelihood of developing bronchial asthma. If close relatives did not have exactly bronchial asthma, but also another disease of an allergic nature: atopic dermatitis, eczema, hay fever or chronic bronchial pathologies, then such a person is more likely to get sick under a favorable set of circumstances. With this information, you need to be more attentive to the nutrition system and adhere to a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid a possible unpleasant scenario.  

Comfort fee

The fact is that many of the above factors have always existed, but in recent decades the number of patients with bronchial asthma has increased dramatically. Statistics show that in highly developed countries (USA, Netherlands) the number of people suffering from this disease is much higher than in developing ones. Environmental pollution, a sedentary lifestyle, the use of modern technologies in the food industry, the level of development of medicine have weakened the protective properties of the body of a civilized person and, undoubtedly, are the causes of bronchial asthma.

event_note August 19, 2019

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