Do emotions affect breathing?

Breathing is not only a process of blood saturation with oxygen, but also a kind of language of interpersonal communication. Our breathing very vividly illustrates our emotions – it becomes spasmodic and deep when crying, quickened and superficial when excited. But we can control our breathing arbitrarily, making a deep sigh of grief or a joyful exhalation of relief, thereby making our interlocutor better understand how we feel.  

And everyone, of course, is well aware that the most dangerous respiratory disease is bronchial asthma. Clinically, it manifests itself in attacks of suffocation, which are a real danger to life. Moreover, her symptoms constitute an excessive chronic reaction to emotions. The fact that this reaction is excessive and chronic is basically due to the fact that the emotional stimulus is squeezed out into the unconscious, because it is unacceptable to human consciousness.

Medicine has been gaining knowledge of the emotional nature of asthma for a long time. Previously, asthma was considered a purely nervous disease and was even called asthma nervosa. At the same time, almost all sudden intense emotions of a person — excitement, fear, jealousy, rage , etc. , can be attributed to emotional stimuli that cause an asthma attack . And so, the researchers found that there is one stimulus behind all these various emotions – conflict consisting in unresolved dependence on the mother.     

This dependence is the most pronounced and constant personality trait of the patient, and on its basis a variety of protective mechanisms can develop that protect the patient’s consciousness from the true causes of his illness. This dependence consists in the desire to be protected, surrounded by the care of the mother or one who replaces her. Moreover, absolutely everything that threatens the separation of a person from maternal protection can trigger an asthmatic attack.

In children, an asthmatic condition often begins with the birth of a younger child in the family, which threatens to divert the attention of the mother. For adults, sexual temptation or an upcoming marriage may be a provoking factor – in this case, the partner appears to such a person as the wall that will stand between him and his mother. 

For a young girl, the adoption of a woman’s biological function is a turning point in her development that separates a girl from her mother, because instead of a dependent child, she herself becomes a woman and a rival to her mother. 

For the son, dependent on the mother, the most difficult and dangerous from the point of view of the onset of diseases is puberty, this inevitably entails negative emotions of the mother, caused by usual jealousy. Scientists have found that most mothers of chronicles are very sensitive to the manifestations of their son’s physical attractiveness and to the beginning of his sexual life. They tend to react to them by demonstrative estrangement or even rejection, clearly making clear to their growing child that in his life there is only one woman – this is his mother. 

Anger, annoyance, and a son’s chagrin against his mother can also trigger an asthma attack, since they entail an internal conflict – an adult son is torn between emotional dependence on the mother and the desire for independence. 

That is why the treatment of asthma by purely medical methods does not provide a complete cure, but can only temporarily relieve asthma attacks. Without revealing the hidden conflict and its subsequent neutralization, it is practically impossible to restore the normal functioning of the human respiratory system.

event_note November 17, 2019

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