Interictal period of bronchial asthma

For the period of the interictal period, the following main tasks should be set: the integrated use in systematic classes of certain physical culture and hygiene measures to increase general endurance and hardening, physical performance, improve external respiration, physical development and physical fitness of children.

For children and adults taking their first steps in physical education, I recommend using all your free time for the following activities.

Rise in the early morning (at 5 p.m.).

After lifting, a cold bath or dousing as long as possible, but not more than 4 minutes. 

Blotting the body with a sheet or a dry bath towel.

Jogging with a pulse of up to 120 beats / min or an outdoor game (depending on the age of the patient) barefoot, in the naked or half-naked form, alternating the natural and expression diaphragmatic breathing – 6 minutes. 

Get dressed. Shoe only when necessary.

Massage in combination with water procedures – time.   

Massage of the chest, during which alternate natural and expression diaphragmatic breathing – 15 min. 

WIG. 6 times for 10 s.

Exercises A, B, C – respectively 10, 5 and 10 times.

Get dressed and continue training in the fresh air.

Jogging or jogging in alternation with walking and outdoor games (depending on age and endurance) with a pulse of 120-130 beats / min, alternating natural and expression diaphragmatic breathing – b min.

Walking with alternating natural and expression of diaphragmatic breathing with the right cough – 3 min. With the development of shortness of breath, rest standing or sitting, controlling your breathing until it is restored and the heart rate drops to 90-100 beats / min. 

VYZh or VYzhst. 6 times up to 10 s.

Jogging or jogging in alternation with walking and outdoor games (depending on age and endurance) with a pulse of 120-130 beats / min, alternating natural and expression diaphragmatic breathing b-24 min (according to physical abilities). 

Rest in walking with alternating natural and pronounced diaphragmatic breathing with the right cough – 3 min.

Respiratory gymnastics, general developmental and strength exercises. Up to 12 minutes 

Upon returning home, a cold bath or dousing (in the usual dosage). Along the way, normalize nasal breathing with a massage, rinse your nose and rinse your throat with cold water.

Blotting the body with a sheet or a dry bath towel.

Normal active bath after bathing, barefoot walking – 6 min. 

Get dressed to stay awake.

A hearty breakfast – first, second and third courses (for those who do not attend nurseries and kindergartens).

Before going out into the fresh air, be sure to put the nasopharynx in order (massage, water procedures), do it ALWAYS 6 times.

When parting with a child in a preschool, give him a face massage, rub his back with a hot palm, massage your feet with a massage, put on a fresh shirt. During the day, periodically normalize nasal breathing, exercise in diaphragmatic breathing, cough up correctly (if possible). Taking the child out of the nursery and the garden, restore his nasal breathing, rub his back with a hot palm, warm his feet, ask him to go up and cough properly, change his shirt, let him actively move on the way home. Upon returning home, you should immediately take a cold bath or use douche, easily get your body wet, undress for an air bath, remaining barefoot for 6 minutes, running and playing. An hour after a light dinner, repeat the morning exercise program, albeit in a shortened version (for example, without running on the street). At night, two baths are required in conjunction with a facial massage, water procedures for the nasopharynx, rubbing the back with the palm of your hand, hot and dry. 

Methodological notes . When it is necessary to use warm water for hygienic purposes, the bathroom door should be wide open, while the hygienic procedure always ends with cold pouring. Under the influence of such a strong cold stimulus, the person’s breathing and blood circulation will normalize, but the effect will be even more pronounced if diaphragmatic breathing is used at these minutes.

Turning to physical activity, it is necessary to predict that by the sixth minute of work, people suffering from bronchial asthma and in the interictal period will certainly develop severe bronchospasm, which in some patients develops into an asthma attack. The natural restoration of external respiration requires individually estimated time, and from the patient – the ability and skills in breathing management and self-control. Stopping an attack of suffocation, even with the skillful use of physical education activities, can last up to an hour, while in some cases, for example, beginners have to resort to the help of an inhaler. When during an exercise in the fresh air a choking attack develops, and a natural body of water or a water column appears on your way, immediately use cold water to restore breathing, and then continue training.

Do not forget the meaning of walking after jogging:

while the bronchial drainage is excellent. As a rule, a repeated run no longer causes such a pronounced bronchospasm, and its duration may be quite sufficient for the development of general endurance in a child and an adult. My experience has convincingly shown that every patient with the most serious attitude to physical education can count on an obvious decrease in the level of allergy in the body: after several months of training sessions, the mechanism of post-loading bronchospasm stops working, the diet expands significantly, and vasomotor rhinitis also disappears for years.

When recovery comes, the daily program of home physical education classes will also change – it will take less time with increasing intensity of exercise. Here are recommendations on this subject.

Rise at 5 p.m.

Cold bath. Before tingling of the body, but not more than 8 minutes. 

Blotting the body with a dry bath towel.

Get dressed for cross-country and go outside.

Dance squatting. 50-60 times (1 min). 

Walking at a quiet pace – 2 min. 

Exercises A, B, C – respectively 20, 10 and 20 times.

Jogging with a pulse of 130-150 beats / min. Children over 6 years old and adults up to 60 min. Younger children are not limited in running duration. 

Walking with alternating natural and expression of diaphragmatic breathing with the right cough – 3 min. 

General developmental and strength exercises – 12 min. 

Upon returning home, a cold bath – 6-8 minutes. During the bath, do facial massage. 

Blotting the body with a dry bath towel.

Stay barefoot and half naked. Massage of the chest – 6 min. During the massage, perform diaphragmatic breathing and coughing. 

During the day, occasionally it is enough to do facial massage in combination with water procedures or without them, but at every opportunity (climbing stairs, walking, etc.), you need to exercise the diaphragmatic muscle and abdominal muscles. An evening half-hour cross, an ice bath and one night swim will complete your fitness activities. 

Methodological notes .

As soon as endurance running becomes accessible for a child and an adult and they give him enough time daily, an allergy ceases to torment a person and there is no need to take medications. Running should become as natural a means of movement and training for you as regular walking.

event_note April 21, 2020

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