Medical history: bronchial asthma

Modern medicine distinguishes bronchial asthma as a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. The history of the disease (bronchial asthma) necessarily includes the symptoms of the disease. Most often, the patient experiences periodic attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath and wheezing are observed.    

Forms of bronchial asthma can be different. Exogenous and endogenous pathologies are distinguished. If an asthma attack occurs due to allergens that come from the environment, then such an ailment has an exogenous form. The endogenous option is when infections, stress, emotional stress, etc. are the provocateur of an attack.

Pediatric medical history: asthma

Unfortunately, today bronchial asthma is also a childhood disease . Increasingly, such a chronic pathology of the respiratory tract is manifested at a young age. There may be several reasons for the occurrence of such an ailment: 

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • environmental factors (colds, contact with toxins or other irritants).

As a rule , the history of the disease in pediatrics (bronchial asthma) also indicates the diagnosis of the disease. Most often, the general clinical picture of the disease, the patient’s lifestyle, nutrition and much more are taken into account .   

If we talk about instrumental methods, then a test for the function of external respiration is necessarily performed, a blood and sputum test is performed, as well as skin tests of an allergic nature (various tests from the pharynx, mucous membranes and nose). Diagnosis is the same for patients of all ages, because bronchial asthma is also a childhood disease. 

Treatment of hypertension in patients with bronchial asthma

Hypertension is a pathology of the cardiovascular system, characterized by a constant increase in blood pressure. To rule out hypertension, it is important:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • engage in physical labor so that the vessels are in good shape;
  • to control your own weight indicator, because obesity is the first step to hypertension;  
  • eliminate bad habits in the form of smoking;
  • combine physical activity and good rest.

Today , high-quality medications are used to treat hypertension in patients with bronchial asthma . First of all, attention is paid to drugs that reduce blood pressure. Diuretic and vasodilator drugs are also prescribed. An individual diet with a minimum salt content is selected for the patient. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.  

event_note September 3, 2019

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