Parental questions about bronchial asthma in a child

Bronchial asthma in children is a complex condition, and parents necessarily have various questions about the causes of the pathology and the impact on its development of natural childbirth or cesarean section, mother’s smoking and other factors. It is important to know changes in the mode and composition of nutrition, the possibility of treating or outgrowing the disease. In addition, you need to know whether the child can go swimming, start pets, get vaccinated against various infections.

Can a child outgrow bronchial asthma?

In this issue, the opinions of experts are divided. In about 50% of children, asthma symptoms disappear when they reach adolescence. But some experts believe that children do not outgrow bronchial asthma, but they show much less symptoms as they get older. Allergen tolerance also improves, the immune system matures and begins to respond to stimuli more adequately.

How to change the diet in the presence of asthma?

In identifying asthma from the daily nutrition of the child it is necessary to exclude those foods that are associated with the risk of developing food allergies:

  • Nuts (including all products that contain nuts or their oils);
  • Fish and shellfish;
  • Wheat and products with its content (cereals, crackers and bread);
  • Whole cow’s milk at least up to a year;
  • Eggs;
  • Soy.

Experts say that there is no evidence that eliminating potential food allergens from food can prevent bronchial asthma in children. Therefore, strict restrictions must be respected for up to a year. Then the food gradually expands under the control of portability products. Some of the above foods are a vital source of nutrients for older children, so food should be varied, with the exception of clearly identified allergens. Parents should consult a doctor if they suspect that any product is an allergen. In this case, the doctor will select alternative replacements for this product.

Is it possible that the symptoms are not bronchial asthma?

It is important that   parents   knew that symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, typical of asthma, are possible in many other pathologies. So, similar symptoms manifest false croup, pneumonia, epiglotitis , bronchitis and bronchiectasis. But it is important to remember that these diseases have other symptoms that are absent when formed   bronchial asthma. In addition, their prognosis is significantly different, as well as treatment approaches. Therefore, the diagnosis should be made only by a specialist, with the exception of any other pathologies.

Can swimming cause asthma in a child?

To date, there is no convincing evidence that a child may suffer from bronchial asthma if he is swimming. Studies conducted by a group of scientists have shown that swimming does not directly increase the risk of developing asthma in a child. However, there is an increase in the number of upper respiratory tract infections that can lead to asthma. The risk arises from chlorine, which is usually added to the pool water for disinfection. Chlorine evaporates from the water, falling into the air above the pool, and the child inhales it. An aggressive chemical can damage a child’s tender airways, thereby increasing the risk of infections that can indirectly lead to asthma.

If parents plan to engage in swimming with the child, then you need to choose swimming pools for children, in which chlorine compounds or outdoor pools are not added, where chlorine is blown away by the wind.

Should parents remove animals from their homes?

Mostly pets and birds have an allergenic potential. Cats are more likely to cause asthma than dogs. However, allergies are provoked not by wool, but by particles of dead skin (dandruff), which stick to the pet’s fur. Feathers of birds are also allergenic due to ticks and dandruff particles. About 30% of people with asthma are allergic to pets. Therefore, at high risk of developing asthma, parents should take care to choose the least allergenic home inhabitants. Pets that do not normally cause asthma are fish, reptiles, and amphibians. If cats or dogs live in the house, parents should make sure that they do not have access to the bedroom and children’s beds, as well as regularly carry out cleaning, ridding the room of wool and dandruff, bathe and comb pets.

Can smoking during pregnancy cause asthma in children?

There is strong evidence that a child born to a woman who smoked during pregnancy is at a higher risk for asthma. In addition, the course of asthma will be more severe, with attacks that can threaten the health of the baby, forming pronounced hypoxia.

Does the type of labor affect the risk of developing asthma?

It is believed that cesarean delivery increases the incidence of asthma compared with natural delivery. Experts note that birth through the birth canal allows the baby to come in contact with specialized bacteria that have a special effect on   immunity, reducing the risk of allergic pathologies. It should also be noted that giving birth by caesarean section increases the susceptibility of babies to infection, children are somewhat more difficult to adapt to the environment. Plus, the reason for the choice of operative labor (fetal hypoxia, his illness or mother’s problems) influences in many respects.

Can asthma occur in premature babies?

Premature babies are at a higher risk of developing asthma at preschool and school age. The main causes are poorly developed airways at birth and the child’s susceptibility to upper respiratory infections that lead to asthma. However, preventive measures and proper care can help prevent allergic diseases in premature babies.

Parents should remember that bronchial asthma should not be an obstacle to full growth and development. The child should receive the necessary treatment and have practically no restrictions compared to healthy peers. Proper care is the key to helping a child with asthma live without limitations.

event_note April 18, 2019

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