World Asthma Day. What is thunderstorm asthma?

Irritation of the eyes, runny nose, headache and sneezing are symptoms characteristic of the flowering period of plants. Almost every third Russian is familiar with allergic rhinitis. However, if a massive release of pollen is accompanied by warm weather and thunderstorms, a much more serious illness – thunderstorm asthma – can occur .  

The pollen particles are quite large, so usually they do not fall into the lungs, but settle in the nose, causing allergy attacks. The combination of high humidity and strong winds leads to the destruction of pollen and the formation of very small fractions that are able, breaking the barriers of the natural filter, to reach the lungs.

Symptoms of thunderstorm asthma: shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing and wheezing – occur during a thunderstorm with a strong wind. This is because the movement of atmospheric masses increases the concentration of dangerous particles in the air inhaled by a person, lowering them from a height closer to the earth’s surface. 

In addition to pollen, the cause of thunderstorm asthma can be spores of fungi parasitizing on crops.

Who suffers from thunderstorm asthma?

Thunderstorm asthma usually affects young people with an allergic history, but not necessarily asthmatics. Among the latter, there are many who have encountered mild symptoms of the disease, insufficient, in their opinion, to take medication.

In October 1997 , Australian scientists analyzed an outbreak of thunderstorm asthma in Wagga-Wagga. It turned out that in the history of 95% of the affected people there are records of hay fever. In 96%, allergic pollen tests showed positive results.  

Of those injured who have had asthma in their history, only one in four used preventative inhalers, while among the escaped asthmatic attacks, 56% of those surveyed used them.

These figures show that the use of prophylactic drugs during the dangerous spring period helps allergy sufferers and asthmatics protect themselves from thunderstorm attacks.

How is it treated?

The best way to treat any disease is prevention. It’s good for every asthmatic with a spring allergy to use a preventative inhaler even when there seems to be no reason for concern. 

Inhalers are designed to stop asthma attacks, as well as to fight inflammation in the lungs for a certain period of time.

Usually the treatment for thunderstorm attacks is the same as any other. It includes measures to expand the airways and anti-inflammatory drugs. 

However, any medicines should be used correctly. A detailed individual instruction on the use of preventive measures, as well as on the fight against acute attacks, can be given by the attending physician.

In which countries is the disease seen?

Thunderstorm asthma is a relatively “young” disease. It was first described in Birmingham in 1983 city of and Melbourne in 1987, city of    

In November 2016, media reported that thunderstorm asthma claimed the lives of six Victoria residents. The most vulnerable Australian region is the southeast of the continent. 

In addition to Australia and England, thunderstorm asthma is recorded in Italy and Iran.

event_note November 11, 2019

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