Banks for pneumonia

Diseases of the respiratory system affect breathing problems and a deterioration in the tone of the body. To cure these pathologies, doctors recommend using a set of measures: medicines, physiotherapy, herbs and some other methods. Banking for pneumonia is an effective procedure, but you need to be able to do it correctly in order to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect.   


Pneumonia is characterized by severe damage to the lung tissue due to infection. Because of this, the patient suffers from a whole range of symptoms:

  • fever, chills and fever;
  • profuse sweating, rapid pulse;
  • chest pain;
  • cough;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea.

A viral disease causes a dry cough, while a bacterial disease causes a wet cough. At the first signs of pneumonia, the patient should see a doctor and undergo a series of diagnostic procedures aimed at finding out the extent of the spread of the infection, the patient’s condition and the general clinical picture. After that, treatment begins, and at this stage, the doctor can prescribe banks.  


Despite the popularity of the method in the treatment of diseases of the organs of the respiratory system, the procedure is prohibited when:

  • elevated temperature and pressure;  
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • heart or bronchial asthma;
  • pathologies of blood and blood vessels;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin on the chest or back. 

In addition, with excessive thinness, banks cannot be placed due to a lack of fat in the subcutaneous layer. During the procedure, lymph and blood actively flow to the site of exposure, as a result of which hematomas are likely to appear.

Women during pregnancy are prohibited from using this method. The contraindication is due to two reasons. First, the patient needs to lie on his stomach, and it is difficult for expectant mothers to do this. Secondly, cupping stimulates blood flow, and pregnant women should avoid any procedures and drugs that warm up and make the blood circulate more intensively. The fact is that at the initial stage this can lead to a miscarriage, and at a later date – to developmental disorders of the child. 

During lactation, it is also undesirable to use jars, however, the doctor may authorize the procedure under certain circumstances.

Efficiency of cans

The essence of the procedure is to apply a special medical device to the human skin using a vacuum. Under pressure, the skin begins to redden – this is a normal process as it stretches and blood rushes to the site of exposure. In this case, the effect extends not only to the surface of the treated area, but also deep enough under the skin. Due to this, the affected lung tissue is better supplied with oxygen, and the inflammation begins to rapidly dissolve. Cupping is a good adjunctive therapy when using medications, but alternative medicine cannot be placed above traditional medicine. Self-medication with this method should not be practiced without experience, since the specificity of the procedure consists in the correct use of cans and their timely removal. Moreover, they have an extensive list of contraindications. If you ignore them and do not know the basic rules for applying the method, then there is a risk of internal hemorrhage. For this reason, for setting cans, it is recommended to contact a medical institution, where the procedure is carried out by specialists and only after a doctor’s appointment.  


Medical banks are of two types:

  • simple glass;
  • containers with a balloon made of polymeric materials.

The first type is a round bottom glass jar. Their edges are thickened so as not to cause discomfort to the patient and to provide a better vacuum effect. The volume of cans is from 30 (for children and adolescents) to 70 ml (for adults). 

The second type allows you to control the intensity of the vacuum injection using a balloon. It is more often used to treat children, since their skin is more sensitive and thin than that of adults, and when placing ordinary glass cans, there is a possibility of burns. There is also a risk of injury to the skin due to strong stretching. In order not to harm the body , you should use the method after 1-2 days, depending on the patient’s condition.  

How to use

It is important to place the banks correctly for pneumonia. The procedure is carried out in several stages: 

  • The patient needs to lie on his stomach relaxed without straining his back.
  • In order not to injure the skin and achieve a better vacuum effect, the area is lubricated with petroleum jelly or another oil product that is sold at the pharmacy.
  • The main thing is to put the jar correctly. First you need to wrap the stick with gauze soaked in alcohol and set it on fire.
  • A few seconds are enough for the fire to burn the oxygen in the jar, then you need to sharply attach it to the patient’s back. By cooling the air, it “pulls in” the skin a little, like a suction cup.
  • There are no difficulties in removing the can : just tilt it, pressing the area under it with your fingers. 
  • At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rest for half an hour, wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket. You can also have a mug of hot herbal tea.

In order not to harm the patient, the first time the cans need to be set for 5 minutes. In the future, the time increases to a quarter of an hour, but first of all it is necessary to focus on the patient’s condition.

Where to put banks

The procedure begins with palpation of the back and identifying painful areas: it is these areas that you need to pay special attention to. Banks are not placed over the heart, birthmarks and bruises. It is important to note that they are applied to the sore spot with a sufficient layer of subcutaneous fat to avoid bone interaction.

Before the appointment of the procedure, the patient undergoes pneumonia diagnostics. This is necessary to determine the specificity of the disease and the affected areas. It is necessary to exert an impact on the foci of inflammation – therefore, self-treatment is not allowed due to ignorance of these nuances.  

The use of medical cans for getting rid of pneumonia is justified only when using medicines. Alternative therapies alone will not cure the condition. The procedure must be carried out with the approval of a doctor, as it has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

event_note November 16, 2021

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