Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma

In a study on bronchial asthma, 40% of patients were found to use rapid symptomatic treatment, putting their health at risk. Almost two thousand seven hundred people with asthma were interviewed in the study. The


In a study on bronchial asthma, 40% of patients were found to use rapid symptomatic treatment, putting their health at risk. Almost two thousand seven hundred people with asthma were interviewed in the study. The

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Will a sugar tax cure asthma?

Excessive sugar consumption is known to be associated with many negative health effects. These effects include obesity and a host of chronic health conditions such as arthritis, asthma, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,


Excessive sugar consumption is known to be associated with many negative health effects. These effects include obesity and a host of chronic health conditions such as arthritis, asthma, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,

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Bronchial asthma: influence of the lung microbiome

While the microbiome has received significant attention due to its impact on digestive health in recent years, its impact on lung disease remains largely unexplored. According to experts, this is a big omission. The microbiome


While the microbiome has received significant attention due to its impact on digestive health in recent years, its impact on lung disease remains largely unexplored. According to experts, this is a big omission. The microbiome

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Relationship between bronchial asthma and the area of residence

In the new study, conducted by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, the authors aimed to determine the association between fuel-related air pollution levels and acute asthma episodes, based on the area


In the new study, conducted by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, the authors aimed to determine the association between fuel-related air pollution levels and acute asthma episodes, based on the area

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Bronchial asthma and dirty air in India

The Indian Environmental Service shut down a coal-fired power plant and banned diesel generators in New Delhi as air quality plummeted in the world’s most polluted capital at the start of the Diwali festival .


The Indian Environmental Service shut down a coal-fired power plant and banned diesel generators in New Delhi as air quality plummeted in the world’s most polluted capital at the start of the Diwali festival .

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