If it starts to hurt in the chest area during coughing – is it dangerous or not, how to properly treat

A cough is a symptom of many diseases, sometimes pain can be felt during this process, but the temperature will not rise. Often a person tries not to pay attention to the pain, thinks that it will pass along with the cough.

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, this indicates serious reasons. If there is no fever, and painful sensations and coughing do not recede, you need to think about the diagnosis.

If there is difficulty in breathing, pain, you must call a doctor or go to the clinic yourself. An examination will be scheduled, after which the diagnosis will be determined.

The doctor pays attention to the localization of pain, its nature, the nature of the course of the disease and other points. In any case, chest pain when coughing is not normal, because with ARVI this is extremely rare.

The reasons

If a person feels pain when coughing, then the reasons for this may be:

  • infectious diseases;
  • damage to the chest;
  • tumors;
  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • heart diseases;
  • allergy;
  • stress;
  • muscle damage;
  • malfunctions of other internal organs;
  • smoking;
  • neuralgia;
  • pneumothorax.


The patient must necessarily come to the doctor for an examination if there are such manifestations:

  • a cough that gets worse
  • separation of fluid and sputum;
  • pain does not go away;
  • feeling unwell;
  • skin and mucous membranes are of a different color;
  • the cold does not go away for a long time.

Missing a favorable time can lead to complications. Therefore, treatment should be started in a timely manner. Diagnostics includes the following activities:

  1. The doctor will ask about complaints, hereditary diseases, chronic ailments, work and home environment.
  2. After listening to the lungs, assessing the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, palpation can be performed.
  3. Blood and urine tests are prescribed, sputum, if any, mantu can be prescribed.
  4. If necessary, perform fluorography, ultrasound, do an ECG, a snapshot.

A cough and chest pain without a high fever can be a sign of a dangerous illness. Pain cannot be ignored. She often talks about serious violations.


If there are injuries in the ribs, the person experiences pain on inhalation. If the sensations are sharp, appear periodically, this may indicate pericarditis.

Oncology is accompanied by acute pain. Also, painful sensations give pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis and others.

There may also be an unpleasant sensation with whooping cough, flu and the same diseases. The same signs speak of osteochondrosis or tuberculosis.

Soreness behind the sternum indicates pulmonary embolism, abnormal position of organs. In any case, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Pain appears due to disruption of the tissues and mucous membranes in the lungs.

Also, pain can be caused by a change in the size of the interpleural ligament, the appearance of inflammation in the membrane, otitis media, and foreign bodies. In this case, the cough will be dry, and the pain is sharp.

If the cough resembles barking, but the temperature does not rise, this indicates the occurrence of pleurisy. This is a complication that occurs during pneumonia.

A history of respiratory failure, fatigue, sweating, chills. A person feels pain, weakness, his muscles ache. Once the inflammation is healed, other symptoms will go away.

It may hurt due to renal colic. There are other symptoms, for example, discomfort in the abdomen and under the shoulder blade. A painful lesion can be on either side or in the center of the back.

The intensity varies. Pleurisy can be one-sided or two-sided, and pain can be reflected to other parts of the body.

If it hurts near the heart, you should immediately call a doctor or an ambulance. If the chest hurts and there is a dry cough, this indicates heart failure, anomalies of a congenital nature, dysfunction of valves, ischemia.

If the heart suffers, shortness of breath, sputum with blood, arrhythmia may appear. In this case, you need to consult a cardiologist, especially with burning pain behind the breastbone.

Sometimes such sensations give inflammation in the muscles, then the pain will be aching. Osteochondrosis also provokes a cough, as well as injuries or poor posture.


Treatment is selected individually according to the data obtained after diagnosis. Usually doctors advise to put mustard plasters, use ointments for rubbing, put compresses.

It is best to do these procedures in the evening to speed up the coughing process. Gradually, the patient’s voice returns, they sleep better, and the chest pain goes away. But you cannot use them at a temperature so as not to overheat the body.

Prescribed medications may include expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics are given for fever. The complex must contain antibiotics and antiviral agents.

If pneumonia or other ARVI is of a bacterial nature, antibiotics cannot be avoided. They quickly remove inflammation and prevent pathogens from multiplying.

With a viral infection, antibacterial drugs are useless. In this case, you can either relieve symptoms or take antiviral drugs.

In addition to medications and procedures, other measures must be taken: airing, wet cleaning, constant drinking. Treatment usually takes place at home, but medical advice must be followed.

An ambulance should be called when the following signs appear:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • the heaviness of breathing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • progressive illness;
  • dry mouth;
  • blood in the sputum;
  • no effect of treatment.

If there is chest pain, but there is no temperature, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. Such drugs can be made at home, they are used not as independent means, but as auxiliary ones.

For chest pain from coughing, you can use:

  1. a decoction of their plantain, mother-and-stepmother, licorice, herbs must be mixed in equal proportions. All this is poured with boiling water, taken on the advice of a doctor;
  2. infusion of wormwood on vodka: 500 ml of liquid and 20 grams of dry matter;
  3. cut the radish into pieces, put it in a bowl, sprinkle it with sugar. Then you can squeeze the juice. It must be taken every day before meals. This remedy removes cough, pain, if there is no temperature.

Also, many people are helped by raspberries, carrots, mud, oregano, garlic. But before that, you need to talk to your doctor and talk over the treatment tactics in order to know exactly the cause of the pain and cough.

event_note July 26, 2020

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