Mustard plasters for pneumonia

With pneumonia , the parenchymal tissue is damaged. It is rather difficult to stop this process in the absence of an effective therapeutic regimen. The earlier the treatment begins, the faster the work of the damaged segments will stabilize. 

Mustard plasters for pneumonia are used for warming up. Through drug therapy, they neutralize the activity of pathogens, prevent their replication. Thanks to timely treatment, the bronchi and bronchioles are cleared. 

The disease can be triggered by infectious and non-infectious factors. The latter include: 

  • inhalation of chemical compounds;
  • ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is strictly forbidden to start treatment without knowing the exact cause of the ailment. Mustard plasters are used as an aid for wet coughing. There are no age restrictions for this method ; mustard plasters are allowed to be installed for children and adults.    

Mustard powder improves blood circulation and enhances the anti-inflammatory effect. Additional bonuses include the presence of an analgesic effect. This product is also distinguished by its availability, natural composition and relative safety. Mustard plasters can be purchased at any stationary pharmacy.

Crimson burns that appear after using mustard powder indicate skin hypersensitivity. In this case, the damaged areas must be rinsed with cool water. After that, it remains only to process with a clean napkin. To speed up healing, you can apply an ointment called Depanthenol.

Mustard plasters are allowed to be used if a relapse has occurred. This will avoid a deterioration in overall well-being. Mustard powder does not act on the root cause, it only relieves the characteristic symptoms. In any case, self-medication is strictly prohibited. This can be fatal.


Mustard plasters are prescribed when clinical manifestations of pneumonia occur. Among them are:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • painful sensations in the chest area;
  • debilitating cough (dry or wet);
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • dyspnea.

Inflammation of the lungs is a serious ailment that provokes disruptions in metabolic metabolism. Due to the regular heating of the affected segments of the lung, the excretion of mucus accumulated in the bronchi is accelerated. Congestion is often aggravated by bronchospasm.

It must be remembered that it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis at home . All ailments affecting the organs of the respiratory system are characterized by similar symptoms.  

The duration of the session and the area of ​​influence depends on the type of pneumonia. To achieve maximum efficiency, postural drainage is performed after warming up. The total duration of the procedure should be no more than 30 minutes. Mustard plasters are used not only for pneumonia, croup and bronchitis. A weighty reason for their appointment are neuralgia, arthritis, sciatica, painful sensations in the muscles.


Mustard plasters should not be placed if the clinical picture contains:

  • increased body temperature ;  
  • an allergic reaction to mustard powder;
  • mental disorder;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • eczema, psoriasis.

Absolute contraindications include pregnancy, childhood (up to 6 years), wounds and abscesses on the skin. There are restrictions regarding the location of mustard plasters. They cannot be applied to the spine, shoulder blades, heart area, mammary glands. The procedure should be discontinued if the following symptoms occur:

  • painful sensations;
  • itching and burning;
  • dizziness.

To prevent their appearance, a tissue lining is placed between the patient’s skin and the mustard plaster.

When treating a child, you need to be extremely careful. Babies have too sensitive skin, so the risk of side effects is greatly increased.  

Warming up, carried out by means of mustard plasters, must be combined with bed rest. After the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to take a bath. Due to the redistribution of blood, the body quickly cools, as a result of which the effectiveness of the physiotherapy procedure is significantly reduced.


Mustard plasters have a wide spectrum of action. They:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • relieve swelling of functional tissues;
  • stimulate the work of the central nervous system, as a result of which the protective function is activated;
  • protect mucous membranes during severe coughing attacks.

Mustard plasters are used during the recovery period. With this method, residual effects are eliminated. Among them are sore throat, wet cough and general malaise. The mechanism of action in mustard plasters is simple. The powder in the membrane draws blood from the affected segment.


Mustard plasters can be homemade and purchased. The latter are made from a special mixture. It includes fat-free mustard, rubber and rosin. The finished composition is placed in “squares” made of paper. After wetting, a characteristic odor appears. Mustard plasters should be stored in their original packaging.  

Terms of use

Warming up is carried out during the period of decreasing the intensity of clinical manifestations. After the end of the fever, at least 2 days should pass. An allergic reaction test must be done before the procedure. If discomfort occurs, the patient will have to abandon the mustard plasters.

Before starting therapy, the patient should be prepared. A container with heated water, two towels (one dry, the other wet), and napkins are placed on the desktop. Mustard plasters are applied following the algorithm:

  • The patient lies on his stomach.
  • Wipe your back and chest with a prepared towel.
  • The mustard plaster is moistened.
  • Apply it to the selected area.
  • Cover your back with a towel.

The reaction develops within a few minutes: the skin turns red, a burning sensation appears. These symptoms are considered normal. If they are strengthened, the procedure will have to be abandoned. The wipes used for leather treatment should not contain ethyl alcohol.

The positive effect is enhanced if the following rules are observed:

  • It is necessary to put mustard plasters for pneumonia in full accordance with the instructions of the doctor. 
  • The procedure is recommended to be done at night.
  • After the session, measures are taken to prevent the effects of negative factors (overheating, hypothermia).
  • Warming up is combined with strict bed rest, a special diet and plenty of drinking.

When you feel better, it is strictly forbidden to interrupt the therapeutic regimen. The patient must complete the full course.

Mustard plasters are symptomatic and cannot be used constantly. The duration of each session is limited. For children, mustard plasters are set for 5-10 minutes, warming up in adults lasts for a quarter of an hour. When wetting, the mustard plaster is kept in a horizontal position. The sheet is applied to the selected area of ​​the skin only after the excess liquid has drained.

Where to put mustard plasters

Mustard plasters for pneumonia are allowed to be placed: 

  • under the shoulder blades;
  • in the chest area;
  • on the calves.

Use mustard should be only after consultation with your doctor.  

event_note September 17, 2021

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