Warming up with pneumonia

Warming up with pneumonia is an addition to the main treatment and allows you to speed up the patient’s recovery. Doctors practice several options for such therapy, choosing the one that suits the patient’s condition. It is necessary to understand the duration of the procedure and the features of its application.   



Warming up affects deep tissues, providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and promoting regeneration. This method is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system and neuromuscular disorders, accompanied by a decrease in immunity and impaired blood circulation.

The indications for the procedure are acute pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. It can only be used as an adjunct to drug treatment.


Warming up is contraindicated if the patient has a high fever. There should be no irritation or damage to the skin in the area undergoing this procedure.

This method is strictly prohibited for the treatment of children under one year old and pregnant women.

Each method of warming up has contraindications, the general ones are: 

Heart diseases

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • exhaustion.

UHF therapy is also not carried out for amnesia, hemophilia and epilepsy.

Mustard plasters are not used for patients with psoriasis, bronchial asthma and with a tendency to muscle spasm .

Regarding the use of cans, doctors emphasize that this method is not suitable for patients with tuberculosis and with impaired blood functions. Impermissible warming rib cage with pneumonia this way, and with a strong intoxication.      

Varieties of warming up procedures

In a hospital setting , UHF therapy is used, which has several varieties. Among them are electrophoresis, ultrasonic inhalations and decimeter wave therapy. These methods are used to treat adult patients. Children undergo the procedure no more than 2 times a year, the devices must be of low power.    

At home , patients mainly use cans and mustard plasters, as well as compresses.  

Mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are paper on which mustard powder is applied. They irritate the affected area, improving blood circulation in it and relieving pain with inflammation. With pneumonia, mustard plasters are placed on the front, back and side walls of the chest. In this case, the area of ​​the heart, mammary glands, shoulder blades and spine should be avoided. Before using the mustard plaster, it is kept in slightly warmed water for 20 minutes, after which it is applied to the skin. The child, due to the very delicate skin, is put under a bandage. For adults, the recommended session duration is 5–20 minutes, for children – no longer than 10 minutes. 

The effectiveness of the procedure increases if the patient is wrapped up immediately after placing the mustard plaster.

Mustard plasters are not applied to the area where, in addition to wounds, a rash, furunculosis, papillomas, moles are found. It should be borne in mind that mustard powder is an allergen and can cause reddening of the skin. Soreness and a feeling of heat in the area of ​​application testify to the intolerance of the technique . Such reactions also occur with an increase in the duration of the procedure.

After removing the mustard plaster, wipe the skin and apply a cream to it. At the end of the procedure, redness remains, which disappears after 3 days.


Banks for pneumonia are placed under and between the shoulder blades, on the lower back, avoiding bone protrusions. Each zone requires 5 cans.

With the cups in place, the patient feels skin tension, but does not experience pain. The skin under the can changes to burgundy.

The first session should last 1–5 minutes, after which it is gradually increased to 15 minutes. The recommended interval between treatments is 1-2 days. To remove the jar, press on the skin near its edges.

Ultra high frequency therapy

This method involves the use of special medical equipment, due to which the effect of electromagnetic fields is exerted. In the course of clinical studies, it is noted that in comparison with other warming procedures, it shows the highest efficiency in the treatment of pneumonia.

UHF improves immunity and stimulates expectoration. The procedure allows you to shorten the duration of medical treatment for pneumonia.

The duration of one UHF session is up to 15 minutes. The patient, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, is prescribed 10-12 procedures.    

Electrophoresis involves the administration of medications to a patient by means of electrical impulses. The advantage of the technique is that medications only enter the chest area. In addition, the positive effect of the current is noted, which promotes muscle relaxation and warms, stimulating blood circulation. For the treatment of pneumonia by means of electrophoresis, Novocaine, Heparin, Eufillin, Lidaza are used . 


Prescribing decimeter waves to a patient makes it possible to influence deep tissues, expanding the vessels in them.

Other ways to warm up

In the treatment of pneumonia, in addition to those described, the following heating methods are used:

  • heating with salt or paraffin;
  • warming ointments;
  • baths;
  • compresses.

Patients who are allergic to mustard plasters can be warmed up with salt. Coarse salt heated to 80 degrees is suitable for these purposes. It is wrapped in a sock and then applied to the chest and back area for 40 minutes.       


Paraffin provides deep heating and increases air exchange. For therapeutic purposes, special paraffin is used, which is melted in a water bath. The procedure is carried out only after it has cooled to 70 degrees. The patient’s skin must be absolutely clean and dry. The product is applied to the skin, after which cellophane is applied on top and wrapped in a scarf. It is recommended to warm up for 0.5 hours, but for the first time it is advisable to reduce the time to 15 minutes.  

Warming ointments for the treatment of pneumonia are used according to the instructions. They are rubbed into the skin, bypassing the heart area. If the product contains natural ingredients, the patient has a risk of an allergic reaction. For this reason, before using these drugs, it is necessary to apply them to the bend of the elbow to test for sensitivity. This is the most common way to treat a child. 

For medicinal purposes, it is allowed to bask in baths in which extracts of medicinal plants are added. Their temperature should be about 37 degrees. The duration of the session is up to 20 minutes. In case of pneumonia, it is recommended to do this procedure for the whole body, or at least for the legs.   

Compresses are prepared at home from natural raw materials. Most often, honey, crushed pumpkin or potatoes, and camphor oil are used for this purpose. They are applied to the fabric, and polyethylene is applied on top. After that, the compress is fixed on the body with a handkerchief or scarf.  

A visit to a bath or sauna during the acute period of the disease is categorically contraindicated, because a patient with pneumonia should not overheat.   

Bath visit


Warming up with pneumonia shows high efficiency, provided that the procedure is applied correctly. They are often carried out at home, without thinking about contraindications, which leads to a deterioration in the patient’s health. To prevent this, it is required to consult a doctor about the possibility of treatment in this way.

event_note June 25, 2021

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