Asthma and New Year: how to breathe deeply?

Asthma, called bronchial, is a chronic inflammation of the airways, complicated by exhalation obstruction, a characteristic symptom of the disease. According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed in 4-10% of the population. Children are more susceptible to its development, therefore, every 10-15th child lives with such a diagnosis. The course of bronchial asthma is accompanied by alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions. Various internal and external factors can trigger an asthma attack.

The mechanism of development of an asthmatic attack

In bronchial asthma, the airways of a person are most sensitive to various allergens, tobacco smoke, chemical irritants and other external and internal factors. Under their influence, the patient develops edema and bronchospasm, as well as an excessive production of bronchial mucus. The airway narrows, which prevents the flow of air through them. Symptoms of an asthma attack may be:

  • wheezing due to obstructed airflow through the respiratory tract;
  • cough and shortness of breath;
  • chest tightness;
  • muscle spasms of the chest and neck;
  • difficulty speaking, anxiety and panic;
  • pallor of the skin of the face and sweating;
  • blue fingers and lips.

Attacks of bronchial asthma can occur at different intervals, depending on the severity of the disease. The duration of the attacks themselves can also be different: from several minutes to several days. Their symptoms in different people may differ. The manifestation of all signs at once is not necessary. Every patient should be able to recognize an asthmatic attack in the early stages in order to stop it in time and avoid serious health consequences.

Be wary of New Year decorations

The New Year is a holiday when our homes are filled with a festive atmosphere. It is promoted not only by the expectation of real miracles in our life or the anticipation of a long-awaited meeting with friends and relatives, but also by the many decorative elements with which we decorate our accommodation. If for a healthy person, ordinary Christmas decorations do not pose any danger at all, but for people with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, the situation is a little different. So, provoke an asthma attack can:

  • Christmas toys that were stored on the long shelves of cabinets or in other secret corners of the house throughout the year. Irritants for asthmatics in such decorative elements of the New Year’s interior are dust mites. Mostly they accumulate in fabric decorations, so it is best to give preference to plastic, glass and metal Christmas tree toys, which can be wiped or rinsed from dust.
  • The main beauty of the New Year celebration is that spruce can also trigger an asthma attack. Natural spruce can be covered with mold fungus, in case of rather long storage, both at sales points and in the house, especially on the trunk of a tree. It is this component that causes an asthma attack if the irritant enters the patient’s airway.

It should be noted that some materials of New Year’s costumes can also cause an attack of asthma. Any odors that are not typical of a normal setting can irritate the airways of asthmatics and lead to the onset of an attack of the disease. Even balloons containing latex sometimes prove dangerous for people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Food and Beverage for Asthmatics

For people with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, the New Year’s feast is a real challenge. Many foods can trigger an asthma attack. For example, preservatives, flavors, sweeteners, and other components of canned foods can provoke choking. Various exotic dishes and alcoholic beverages pose a particular danger to asthmatics. The so-called provocateurs of asthma can also be salicylates contained in many products.   nutrition, particularly in fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Other products that can provoke an attack include nuts, sesame oil, various semi-finished products, soft cheeses, sausages, smoked meats, seafood, citrus fruits, etc. Each person with asthma knows the list of foods acceptable for his diet. That is why during the celebration of the New Year it is better not to experiment with new products and to abandon unknown exotic dishes.

Drinking alcohol even on a holiday is also not highly recommended for people suffering from bronchial asthma. Ethanol quickly enters the bloodstream, thickening   blood   and obstructing the normal supply of oxygen to organs and tissues. As a result, oxygen starvation develops, increasing the risk of developing an asthmatic attack. Flavors, dyes and other components of various alcohol-containing beverages can also trigger an attack. It is almost impossible to determine the “safe” dose of alcohol for asthmatics, therefore, in order not to undermine your health and put life at risk, it is better to give preference to the sober celebration of the New Year.

Celebration atmosphere

Celebrating the New Year in noisy and crowded companies in a closed room for asthmatics can also be dangerous. The stale air, the abundance of various pronounced odors and other causes can irritate the respiratory tract of a person with such a diagnosis. Separately, it is worth noting the danger of tobacco smoke. Passive smoking is a strong irritant for people suffering from bronchial asthma. Tobacco smoke damages eyelashes lining the airways. In normal condition, these tiny hairs trap mucus and dust in the airways. Therefore, if they are damaged, all these particles circulate along the pathways of the respiratory system and can cause an asthma attack.

To avoid the development of an asthma attack in the New Year, avoid stuffy rooms and rooms in which they smoke. Try to get more fresh air. But you should not forget that a sharp inhalation of cold air can also provoke an attack.

Keep emotions under control

The stability of the emotional background for people with asthma is very important. The cause of an attack can be any expressed emotions, be it stress, crying or even laughter. And what a New Year without fun and laughter? The mechanism of occurrence of an asthmatic attack with laughter is quite simple. Inhalation of a large amount of air dries the airways. This causes a temporary muscle spasm around the respiratory tract, which leads to the development of an asthmatic attack. Therefore, asthmatics need to learn to control their emotions, and during the New Year fun – including.

It is also not recommended to start dancing during the feast. Dynamic exercise, causing rapid breathing, is dangerous for people with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma.

First aid for asthma attack

Every person with a diagnosis of asthma who is receiving appropriate treatment should know what to do in case of sudden onset of illness. Only in this way can he provide himself with timely help and health. Bronchodilatory inhaled quick-acting drugs help relieve an attack At the first signs of an asthmatic attack you should:

  • use an inhaler with quick-acting bronchodilator drugs;
  • provide free access to fresh air;
  • try to calm down and breathe evenly;
  • free the neck from squeezing (unbutton the shirt collar, take off the shawl, etc.);
  • take the position in which it is easiest to breathe.

If rendered   first aid   did not bring relief, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

event_note May 24, 2019

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