Bronchial asthma does not like air saturated with ozone?
Everyone knows the special aroma of air filled with ozone, which
instantly transfers our thoughts to a summer thunderstorm. Many have heard
about the ozone layer – a protective barrier that protects the planet from the
effects of dangerous ultraviolet radiation. But not everyone knows that ozone
is safe only in small concentrations, and its excess can cause various health
problems, including respiratory disorders, decreased immunity and bronchial asthma.
Scientists from Moscow examined the air of the capital and its immediate
environs for an excess of ozone concentration in it. The results of the work
are surprising: as the distance from the Moscow Ring Road increases, the
content of this gas in the air only increases. The farthest point of the study
was Zvenigorod, where the probability of exceeding the maximum permissible
ozone concentration is 3 times higher. And in areas located inside the ring
road, the instruments showed the lowest level of ozone. It turns out that it is
better for people who have bronchial asthma to live near the ring road?
Nonsense, something!