Big adenoids? Let’s have a treat!

In a normal state, adenoids in children are small lymphoid formations in the nasopharynx.

This is a normal immune tissue with the ability to produce the immunoglobulins necessary for the normal functioning of the child’s body. However, as a result of repeated colds, infections, allergies, they can increase and become inflamed.

How to help your child? How to do without surgery? Read in our article.

Changes in the nasopharyngeal tonsil are associated, on the one hand, with allergization of the body, on the other hand, are evidence of insolvency in the immune system.

Adenoids, protecting the child’s body, fight the adverse effects of a polluted environment. As a result, mucous discharge from the nose appears, adenoids swell, nasal breathing is difficult.

The proliferation of adenoids has three degrees:

I DEGREE – during the day the child breathes quite freely, his mouth is closed, and during sleep, when the volume of adenoids increases in the horizontal position of the body, it becomes harder to breathe, and snoring appears.

II – III DEGREE of overgrowth of the choanae by half or completely (these are the posterior sections of the nose, the openings connecting the nasal cavities with the nose of the pharynx), children often snore in sleep, forced to breathe through their mouths around the clock.

Inflammation of the adenoids is called adenoiditis. It is acute and chronic. Inflamed adenoids can cause frequent acute respiratory infections, otitis media, protracted rhinitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, etc.
The absence of nasal breathing can adversely affect the palatine tonsils and lower respiratory tract.

However, given the role of the nasopharyngeal tonsil in the reactions of general and local immunity, its activity in the formation of antiviral protection, many doctors prefer conservative methods of treatment. Moreover, during the operation, it is almost impossible to completely remove the adenoids in a small child, and since the adenoid tissue has the ability to recover, after some time the situation leading to the operation may be repeated. It is not uncommon when children undergo adenotomy two, three or even four times (removal of adenoids). An operation can be indicated in cases where all possible methods of conservative treatment have been exhausted and have been ineffective.

Starting from 8 – 9 years old, adenoids begin to decrease on their own, having fulfilled their function and in most children by 11 – 14 years old, they almost completely disappear.

Personal experience in treating children with adenoids and adenoiditis shows that in most cases of difficulty in nasal breathing in children, it is not so much the adenoids that are guilty as the prolonged acute or chronic inflammation in the accessory cavities of the nose, most often in the maxillary and ethmoid cavities. That is, breathing is more difficult at the level of the nasal cavity, due to swollen and inflamed nasal concha and, to a lesser extent, due to the nasopharynx, where the adenoids are located. And confirmation of this is that after eliminating inflammation in these cavities – adenoids decrease, breathing through the nose is restored.

Before deciding to remove the child’s adenoids, show him to a few other doctors, except the one who prescribed or directed for surgery. In the event that large adenoids are indeed confirmed, treat the child and, moreover, repeatedly. And if you do not get an improvement in nasal breathing, stopping nasal discharge, the disappearance of snoring, or a decrease in other manifestations of the disease, then decide on an operation.

Quite often, one has to face a situation when a child is brought in, who will have surgery in a few days – an adenotomy. When examining the nasopharynx with a mirror intended for these purposes (even small children can examine the nasopharynx with a mirror, finger examination is quite subjective), either very small adenoids or even their complete absence are found. When interviewing parents, it turns out that the child was not even examined the nasopharynx, where the adenoids are located. In this case, the question arises: what did the doctor who ordered or directed the operation want to remove?

The scheme below is quite effective and you can use it in addition to the recommendations of your doctor or yourself, if you have not received recommendations from a doctor.

Scheme of complex treatment of enlarged adenoids and adenoiditis.

Instillation of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

During the first 7 to 10 days, use vasoconstrictor drops to reduce the volume of the nasal concha, improve breathing, and facilitate subsequent washing of the nose.

After cleansing the nose of mucus and pus, one half separately (for a small child, you can cleanse the nose with a syringe, pre-squeeze it, and insert it into the nose – release it, repeat several times), instill a 0.05% naphthyzine solution (or baby solution) in the nose galazolin, sanorin, xylometazoline, tizin, vibrocil, etc., you can use the drug in the form of an aerosol – children’s noxpray, for the nose, etc.). If you dig in the right half of the nose, then the head should be thrown back a little and tilted to the right and vice versa, if you dig in the left half. It is more convenient to do this while lying down. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse your nose.

Flushing the nasal cavity.

First, it is necessary again to carefully empty the nose from the contents, one half separately and immediately start rinsing. Rinsing is very effective to release the nasal cavity from the secretion accumulated in it and on the adenoids.

Choose a convenient option for you.

Option number 1: insert the tip of the syringe into one half of the nose, to a depth of about 0.5 – 1 cm and point it perpendicular to the face. The head should be tilted forward at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Pour in small portions, gradually increasing the force of the stream, after 3 – 5 times – clean the nose one half and continue to rinse again. At the time of infusion of the solution, breathing must be held. Such a washing can be done to a small child by laying it on his tummy. Do not direct the first portions of the solution into the nose bridge – a short burning sensation may occur due to the solution getting into the upper parts of the nose where the sensitive, olfactory zone is located.

Option number 2: through a tube with a diameter of 5 -10 mm and a length of 15 – 20 cm, you must draw in the liquid with your nose and spit out if it enters your mouth. Head position – as in option No. 1. This option is suitable for older children.

Option number 3: the solution is poured into the palm of your hand and drawn in by the nose, the position of the head – as in option No. 1. This option is suitable for older children.

Solutions for washing.

Choose one or two from the list, rinse your nose, alternating them, for example, in the morning one, in the evening the other.

These plants or preparations can be used both with enlarged adenoids and with their inflammation.
Horsetail infusion (1 teaspoon of horsetail, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, cool).
Decoction of oak bark, eucalyptus, St. John’s wort (3 – 6 g of leaves per 200 ml of water).
Hypericum infusion.
Sea salt (1/2 teaspoon per 1 tbsp of water). It can be used for adenoiditis.
Chamomile broth 1 cup + 1/2 tablespoon of honey.
Rotokan (1 – 1/2 teaspoon per 1 tbsp of water).
Green tea (1 tsp. For 1 cup boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes).
Elekasol (pick herbs, cook according to the instructions and still dilute in half).

In a glass of boiled water, dilute 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 15 – 20 drops (depending on age) of 10% alcohol tincture of propolis.

Potassium permanganate (pink color).
Or other.

The amount of solution: from 50 to 100 ml. Temperature: 38 – 40 degrees. The number of washes per day: 2 – 3 – 4 times. Number of days: 10 – 12 – 14.

The introduction of drugs into the nose.

In 20 – 30 minutes after washing – instill 4 – 6 – 8 (depending on age) drops of fresh juice of red beetwort or lay the wicks for 10 – 15 – 20 minutes (you need to tilt your head back a bit).

And you can apply such a mixture: juice of red beetwort + juice of onions + juice of aloe (or Kalanchoe) + honey, all in equal parts. It can be instilled or inserted wicks dipped in this mixture.

Pure juice of red beetwort or a mixture of 2 times a day can be alternated with a pair of celandine herbs. Cooking: 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of boiling water. To drip a warm steam of 3-5 drops (depending on age), three times with five minute breaks, 2 times a day, 10 days.

You can dig in a small duckweed broth for 3-4 drops (preparation of a decoction: 2 tbsp.spoons of duckweed per 1/2 cup of water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, strain and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days).

A good effect is exerted by the tincture of green walnut skin, 3 to 4 drops, up to 4 times a day (preparation of the tincture: pour the skin of the chopped green walnut into cold water, bring to a boil and leave for an hour, strain).

From pharmaceutical preparations, one or two drugs from the list can be used: protargol 1 – 2%, collargol 1 – 3%, dioxidine diluted in half with saline, rinosept, pinosol, sofradex, albucid, thuja oil, tea tree oil, etc.

You can do this home inhalation: 3 times a day, for several weeks the child should breathe over a pair of ivy-shaped broth decoction (preparation of decoction: pour 15 g of grass for 1-2 hours with a glass of cold water, then boil for half an hour over low heat, strain and store in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.

Steam inhalation with eucalyptus, calendula, Kalanchoe juice, soda. You can separately or all together, 1/2 tsp. each on a plastic inhaler type menthol. Breathe 5 – 8 – 10 minutes, 1 – 2 times a day.

Inhalation with ready-made preparations, which includes herbal components: menthol, bronchicum, cedovix, cofol, etc. For how to use, see the attached instructions.

Celandine treatment.

Use only in cases of an increase in adenoids of 2 – 3 degrees. It can be used as an independent method, but better in combination with other methods.

Prepare the celandine in the following way: in spring, during the flowering of the celandine (from May to August), take a bush with a root, rinse, pass through a meat grinder, roughly filter (through 1-2 layers of gauze), put in a jar under a water lock (as wine) for fermentation. Better put on the windowsill and cover from the sun. After fermentation (about 2-3 weeks), filter thoroughly. Can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Bury in a warm form in the nose for children under 5 years old 2 to 3 drops, after 5 years – 3 to 4 – 5 drops in each half of the nose lying on their backs. Immediately after instillation, a burning sensation may appear. It is advisable to instill 2 times a day, for 2 weeks. After a 2 – 3 week break, repeat.

In this part of the article, the doctor gives advice on the general treatment of adenoiditis.

Here you can learn about homeopathic remedies in the care of the nasal cavity and the treatment of diseases in children, as well as about breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises, which will help our children stay healthy and happy!

General treatment.

In parallel with local treatment, a general one can be carried out.

Contributing to the reduction of adenoids is the intake of blackcurrant leaves inside the infusion (preparation of infusion: pour 30 g of dry leaves into 0.5 l of boiling water, leave for half an hour). Take warm in 1/2 – 1 cup, 3 times a day before meals, 2 – 3 weeks.

In age-related dosages, antihistamines are advisable: diazolin, pipolfen, suprastin, fecarol, loratadine, etc. One of the list. From 7 to 14 days.

It is also desirable to take multivitamins with trace elements (especially with vitamin C and the trace element selenium), spirulina, immunal (tincture of echinacea).
As always, fruits and vegetables are useful.

In some cases, prescribing stimulants of their protective forces are prescribed: apilak, aloe extract, IRS-19, bronchomunal, ribomunil, amixin, aflubin, immunal and many others. dr. Course 10 – 15 days or according to the instructions for a specific drug.

Antibiotics, sulfonamides are prescribed only in acute cases of adenoiditis, which, incidentally, happens in isolation rather rarely, most often against the background of acute respiratory infections, flu. In these cases, the use or not of these drugs should be decided by the doctor.

Homeopathic treatment and the use of antihomotoxic drugs.

Quite a lot of homeopathic medicines under different names that help a lot with inflammation or an increase in adenoids. It is only necessary to specifically ask the drugs used for adenoids in homeopathic pharmacies. Use according to the instructions or recommendations of a homeopath.

The following is an example of treatment with anti-homotoxic drugs of the German company Heel (these are drugs to neutralize the toxins that cause diseases by binding them to non-toxic formations – homotoxins).

Since adenoids, this is a manifestation of lymphatic disease, prolonged therapy under the supervision of a doctor is indicated.

Lymphomyosot (lymphomyozot) drops, 10-15 drops, 2 times a day, course – 1.5 months.

Echinacea compositum (Echinacea compositum) ampoules. With enlarged adenoids, a chronic focus of infection always exists in them. This medication eliminates inflammation. It is applied 1 ampoule, 1 time per week, 5 injections, v / m.

Traumeel (traumeel) tablets. Applied with a significant increase in lymphoid tissue. 1 tablet, 2 times a day, 3 weeks.

According to my observations, these drugs work quite well on their own, but the effect is better with complex treatment i.e. applying paragraphs of scheme No. 1 to 4.

Physiotherapeutic treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment increases with the additional use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Ural federal district: total up to 10 procedures, the collar zone up to 4-8 procedures, endonasally up to 8-10 times.

Laser therapy with a helium-neon laser. The intranasal method is applied, 8-10 times.

Endonasal (intranasal) electrophoresis with a solution of diphenhydramine, potassium iodide, calcium chloride. Up to 10 treatments.

UHF on the nose, 5-10 procedures.

Lamp “Bioptron”, according to the instructions.

Treatment of inflammation of the sinuses.

Since with enlarged adenoids and their inflammation very often there is sinusitis or ethmoiditis, or even both together, we should not forget about their treatment. You can arrange this treatment with your doctor.

General recommendations for applying the scheme.

Treatment can be carried out in courses from 1 to 3-4 times a year.
Before treating the child yourself – show it to the doctor, or maybe not just one, to establish an accurate diagnosis.
In the instructions for the drugs, always see if there are any contraindications for their use in relation to your child.
The concept of complex treatment of enlarged adenoids or adenoiditis means the use of all points of the scheme, choosing one drug or one manipulation, a procedure from the proposed list. But you can use the shortened version, choosing the availability of opportunities, time, age and contact of the child.

Variants of special breathing exercises that help strengthen the respiratory muscles, restore the proper breathing mechanism and eliminate the habit of breathing through the mouth.

Quite often, due to a prolonged lack of normal nasal breathing, children even after an adenotomy do not immediately begin to breathe through their nose.

To eliminate this habit, special breathing exercises have been developed.

Choose the right set of exercises for your child.

Option 1:
Walking calmly with elongated inhalation and exhalation through the mouth.
Walking with breathing through the nose:
First, one step – inhale, two steps – exhale, then two steps – inhale, three-four – exhale.
Running in place and crouching with deep breathing through the nose.
Jogging: two-three steps – inhale, four – exhale.
Breathing alternately through the right and left half of the nose.
Hand jerks with rotation of the body to the sides, with a smooth inhalation and exhalation through the nose.
Hand movements on the lateral surfaces of the body with a deep breath through the mouth.
Tilts of the body to the sides with pronouncing the sound “M” and “H” on the exhale.
Inhale and jerky exhale through the nose.

Option 2:

Take such a starting position so that the chest, neck and head make up a straight line (stomach and chest protruded). With your right hand, feel for the pulse on your left hand and perform exercises, counting the beat of the pulse.

Inhalation through the nose by 5 – 9 (gradually increasing to 10 – 12) beats of the pulse. Hold the air in the lungs for as many heartbeats, and slowly exhale through the nose, counting as many heartbeats as you held your breath. It is necessary to skip as many beats of the pulse as you held your breath and start the next breath. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times and do 4 times a day, each time ending with the so-called cleansing, ventilating and cleansing the lungs breathing.
Draw in air with your mouth, fold your lips, as if for a whistle (without blowing your cheeks), forcefully exhale a little air, stop and hold it out, then exhale a little until the air comes out of your lungs. Breathing exercises are not recommended before bedtime.

Option 3:
Walk for 1 min. and more.
Squats (4-5 times or more).
Running (for 5 minutes or more).
Deep breathing through the nose.
Sit on a bench, bend over and, as you exhale, touch your toes of your extended legs with your hands, return to your starting position, raising your extended arms above your head (5-8 times or more).
Exercises with the ball. Standing, raise the ball above your head, bend back while breathing in, while exhaling bend forward and put the ball on the floor (5-8 times or more).
Hops: while inhaling the legs to the sides, while exhaling the legs together (5-8 times or more).
Lie on your back, raise your extended legs up and spread them apart (5 times or more).
Exercise “butterfly”: running – spread your arms to the sides and wave them like wings for 1/2 min. and more.
Walking in place, raising your knees high and waving your arms (20 times).
Walking with a gradual slowdown (2 minutes).
Sit down or lie down to rest (for a few minutes). The duration of the exercises should be strictly individual. Increase the load should be gradually, advising the child from a specialist in physiotherapy.

Option 4:

After rhythmic breathing, close your mouth tightly. Repeat with rhythmic intervals the consonant sounds “b”, “c”, “m”, “p”, “t”, “f”, “u”, “f”, while the air is pushed through the nose.

Get up, straighten up. Look in front of you. Close the right nostril with the fingers of the right hand, slowly, gently inhale air through the left, then vice versa.

Prepare a glass of warm water for gargling. With each rinse, first pronounce the sound “aaaa”, and then “oooh”. And so every time, until the water runs out in a glass. Perform before bedtime. In each of the classes you can do one of the exercises, you can do one of the exercises.

Option 5:

Close one half of the nose with your finger and make a sharp breath with the free half of the nose, exhale air through your mouth. Repeat 8 times, then also inhale sharply the other half of the nose 8 times, again return to the opposite half and inhale 8 times, and so for each half repeat 8 times. During the day, 8 times and 8 days in a row. Repeat the course as needed.

event_note June 11, 2020

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