Bronchial asthma: how to remove an attack?

Asthmatics are not doomed to life with not passing the feeling of fear of another attack. It is important to systematically treat asthma, regularly engage in strengthening your body and try not to contact with allergens. Then the periods of aggravation will occur less and less.

What to do if there was an attack?

The treatment of an attack of bronchial asthma is reduced to stopping it in time and as quickly as possible. This is the main task.

The choking attack is not confused with anything. It usually begins suddenly, and develops within a few seconds. There are signs of shortness of breath, paroxysmal   coughing, whistling and wheezing in the chest.

Treatment of an asthma attack can be carried out independently. But if he does not pass within a quarter of an hour, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, because an attack lasting more than half an hour carries a direct threat to life. Do not neglect the help of medical professionals.

  1. The patient needs to sit down, free the neck and chest from the clothes. If the person is indoors, open the windows, ensuring the flow of oxygen. One of the components of success is the ability to calm down and relax.
  2. In order to quickly remove the attack, you will need a dosed   inhaler   with a bronchodilator drug (usually such nebulizers are always on hand for people with asthma). It is necessary to remove the cap from the inhaler, turning the vial upside down, and shaking it several times, clamp the inhaler mouthpiece between the teeth and press the bottom of the can during inhalation. It is advisable to try to hold your breath for at least 5-7 seconds. 
    Usually, after using the inhaler, the attack retreats. If the attack continues, you can use the inhaler a second time, but it is no longer worth it.
  3. Euphyllin   – One of the most effective drugs that can expand the bronchi and relieve an attack. It was he who was administered intravenously by ambulance doctors when he arrived at the call to the patient. If the peak of the attack is over, you can use it in pills in order to stabilize the condition.
  4. Very effective are hormonal drugs, such as   prednisone   and   dexamethasone. These drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
  5. Effectively warm baths on the arms and legs. Or you can make a bath with hot water and mustard. To do this, type in a container of water whose temperature is not lower than 45 ° C and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of mustard in it. Put your feet in it for a few minutes. Mustard plasters can also be used on the chest or calf muscles, fixing them with a bandage.

Asthma breathing exercises

How to remove an attack of bronchial asthma without medication? In this case, certain respiratory   exercises. To do this, learn to breathe in the following scenario.

  1. The patient makes 3-4 very shallow breaths, then holds his breath for about 10 seconds.
  2. Next, make 2-3 normal breaths. And again holds his breath.

Thus, it is necessary to continue such breathing exercises until the full recovery of breathing.

This method allows you to relax the bronchi and restore the patency of the bronchial tree due to the fact that increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.

In any case, when the first symptoms of bronchial asthma appear, you should immediately consult with your doctor to know exactly what is best to do in your case.

event_note July 5, 2019

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