What does a chronic cough say?

Sometimes a cough helps a person to clear his lungs and prevents the development of infection in him. But it is necessary to distinguish between this type of cough from chronic, which is determined when it


Sometimes a cough helps a person to clear his lungs and prevents the development of infection in him. But it is necessary to distinguish between this type of cough from chronic, which is determined when it

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Causes of nightly ashlya in a child

Very often, mothers complain of nighttime coughing attacks in the child, when in the daytime the child seems to be healthy and does not cough at all, and at night he suffers from attacks, causing


Very often, mothers complain of nighttime coughing attacks in the child, when in the daytime the child seems to be healthy and does not cough at all, and at night he suffers from attacks, causing

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Persistent cough

A cough is a specific reflex of the body, the purpose of which is to clean the respiratory tract from small foreign particles, from accumulated mucus, from bacteria and other irritants. The usual periodic coughing is


A cough is a specific reflex of the body, the purpose of which is to clean the respiratory tract from small foreign particles, from accumulated mucus, from bacteria and other irritants. The usual periodic coughing is

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Diagnosis of respiratory diseases

Diagnosis of respiratory diseases is extremely important, since many pathologies of the respiratory system develop asymptomatically at the beginning. Diagnosis of respiratory diseases is performed using several procedures. In particular, a respiratory x-ray and a procedure


Diagnosis of respiratory diseases is extremely important, since many pathologies of the respiratory system develop asymptomatically at the beginning. Diagnosis of respiratory diseases is performed using several procedures. In particular, a respiratory x-ray and a procedure

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Small protein plays a big role in asthma

Recently, scientists (CentredeRechercedel’InstitutUniversitairedeCardiologieetdePeumologiedeQuebec) have found a new culprit that plays a large role in the severity of asthma: it is a small protein known as chemokine, or CCL26. Such an interesting result was published in the


Recently, scientists (CentredeRechercedel’InstitutUniversitairedeCardiologieetdePeumologiedeQuebec) have found a new culprit that plays a large role in the severity of asthma: it is a small protein known as chemokine, or CCL26. Such an interesting result was published in the

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Household dust. What is the danger and how to fight

Dust is omnipresent; it penetrates through small crevices and openings. It is everywhere – from apartments to the stratosphere. But we are interested in house dust – what is the danger and how to deal with it in order


Dust is omnipresent; it penetrates through small crevices and openings. It is everywhere – from apartments to the stratosphere. But we are interested in house dust – what is the danger and how to deal with it in order

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The child has a severe cough. What to do?

When a child appears in the house, it is natural that all attention is paid to him. Parents are trying to protect their baby from all the harmful factors of the world. For this reason, any symptom


When a child appears in the house, it is natural that all attention is paid to him. Parents are trying to protect their baby from all the harmful factors of the world. For this reason, any symptom

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Hamartoma of the lung – is it dangerous or not?

Lungs are an extremely vulnerable organ in the human body. Bad ecology, bad habits, rapid changes in air temperature – these and many other phenomena harm the health of the entire pulmonary system. However, in addition to


Lungs are an extremely vulnerable organ in the human body. Bad ecology, bad habits, rapid changes in air temperature – these and many other phenomena harm the health of the entire pulmonary system. However, in addition to

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Shortness of breath: causes, recommendations of specialists, first aid

The most common complaints voiced by patients at a physician appointment are shortness of breath and suffocation symptoms. It is these subjective sensations that provoked the patient’s anxiety, which subsequently ends with an appeal to the


The most common complaints voiced by patients at a physician appointment are shortness of breath and suffocation symptoms. It is these subjective sensations that provoked the patient’s anxiety, which subsequently ends with an appeal to the

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Bronchial asthma and everything about it

Today, many people, even those far from medicine, are familiar to a greater or lesser extent with a disease such as bronchial asthma . Why did such “fame” arise? The answer is pretty simple. The fact is that this pathology


Today, many people, even those far from medicine, are familiar to a greater or lesser extent with a disease such as bronchial asthma . Why did such “fame” arise? The answer is pretty simple. The fact is that this pathology

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