Prevention of bronchial asthma

The basics of the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma are closely related to genetic and allergenic risk factors. Knowledge of the origin and mechanism of the formation of the disease, which is accompanied by damage to the respiratory tract, allowed scientists and doctors to create an effective scheme of preventive measures. By influencing the cause of development, it becomes possible to prevent the disease and stop it at an early stage.

Prevention of asthma is divided into three stages, each of which is able to prevent the formation of an ailment, slow down the development, as well as reduce the frequency of attacks and facilitate their course with an already formed pathology. 

Primary prevention

Prevention of asthma in healthy people is part of the primary prevention complex. Most often, experts call pathologies of the immune system among the causes of the development of the disease. Improper functioning of the immune system increases the body’s susceptibility to adverse external influences, including infections, and is also one of the prerequisites for the formation of allergies. Primary prevention is based on the basic principles of maintaining and promoting health, which help prevent the development of bronchial asthma in adults and protect the child from a dangerous illness. The main goal is to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and protect the respiratory system from chronic diseases. The main preventive complex aimed at protecting and preventing the incidence of asthma differs depending on the age category of a person.             


Primary prevention in children

Caring for the baby’s health is the main task of the parents. The recommendations of doctors regarding the primary prevention of asthma in a child are aimed at reducing the risk of developing allergies and include a set of protective measures to increase the immune defense:    

  • It is important for parents to take care of the child’s health in advance, even at the stage of gestation or preparation for pregnancy. A pregnant woman should adhere to a proper diet that excludes the intake of foods that are considered strong allergens.   
  • According to scientific research, children who are breastfed are less likely to suffer from allergic diseases, grow faster and have better physical health. Mother’s milk stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and helps to successfully resist negative external influences.  
  • The timing of the introduction of complementary foods and the quality composition of the diet are of great importance for the formation of the child. It is important to think carefully about the diet of a baby under 3 years old and not include foods that often provoke allergies. Eggs, citrus fruits, fish, chocolate can cause the formation of an ailment.     
  • The environment in which a child grows up also has an impact on health. You should exclude the baby’s contact with synthetic materials, completely protect against the effects of toxic substances and limit interaction with pets. These restrictions are a temporary measure, the purpose of which is the successful adaptation of the newborn to new conditions of life outside the mother’s womb.  

Primary prevention in adults

Paying due attention to preventive measures in adulthood, you can reduce the likelihood of developing the disease in people with a genetic or occupational predisposition, as well as in people suffering from chronic pathologies of the respiratory system. Prevention of allergic and non-allergic asthma in adults is carried out using affordable and simple methods that help maintain optimal living conditions:      

  • Quitting bad habits, especially smoking addiction.
  • Frequent ventilation of the premises and regular walks in the fresh air are necessary to cleanse the bronchi. 
  • Reducing the number of food and household allergens. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet and avoiding aggressive chemical agents for cleaning the house will help reduce the chances of development of an organism sensitization.  
  • Receiving medicinal preparations should be agreed with the doctor. A number of medications for the treatment of heart disease or infectious diseases can cause allergies, so their use is carried out under medical supervision.    
  • A healthy lifestyle is the easiest way to maintain the correct functioning of the immune system, helps to resist bacterial and viral infections, ensures an adequate response of the body to external stimuli and reduces the risk of developing respiratory diseases.  

Following the recommendations for the prevention of asthma does not require excessive efforts from the person and is the key to excellent health.  

Secondary prevention

People with a history of at least one episode associated with an attack of suffocation are recommended to complete a full course of diagnostics and find out the cause of this deviation. Cough asthma different specific characteristics, thus often mimics the disease of the heart or of infectious and inflammatory pathologies. The presence of asthmatics among the next of kin is also a reason for increased attention to their own health.   

A diagnosed disease requires a competent approach, and the main task of secondary prevention of bronchial asthma is to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.  

Asthmatics are advised to attend health schools that operate at medical centers and clinics. As part of training doctors briefly acquaint patients with the peculiarities of the development and course of the disease, as well as learn to cope with the symptoms of the disease and live a normal life with few restrictions. Exercising helps to build psychological confidence and also instills the necessary skills to help with an attack.      


Specialist recommendations for secondary prevention include:

  • mandatory abandonment of bad habits;
  • taking the recommended pills; 
  • constant wearing of emergency medications;
  • reduced levels of household or food allergens;
  • carrying out daily wet cleaning and regular ventilation in the room;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • timely treatment of respiratory diseases;  
  • proper fortified nutrition;
  • an active lifestyle with an age-appropriate level of physical activity.

A good effect is provided by the development of a complex of breathing exercises. Simple yet rewarding activities are available at any age, and may be the only sensible exercise for older adults. Respiratory gymnastics not only increases the reserve capacity of the bronchopulmonary system, but also serves as an excellent tool in the fight against stress and psycho-emotional stress, which often cause an attack. Respiratory control can reduce anxiety levels and reduce the need to increase drug dosage.        

Tertiary prevention

Asthmatics know that the disease is characterized by an undulating course, and attacks of a suffocating cough are accompanied by a period of harbingers. The symptoms of an impending deterioration need to be known and noticed in time in order to have time to take the drug prescribed by the doctor. The appearance of nasal congestion, dizziness, weakness, difficulty breathing, sore throat – these signs are landmarks. Tertiary prevention of the disease is aimed at improving the patient’s well-being and combating possible complications of the disease.      

The main method of preventing coughing attacks at this stage is the use of medications for oral administration and inhalation. The type of drug is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the nature of the disease, and the patient’s main task is to adhere to the treatment regimen. Folk remedies are rarely used, and the main area of ​​their use is strengthening the immune system and cleansing the lumen of the bronchi from accumulated secretions.  

Summing up a brief conclusion and summarizing the possible methods of preventing bronchial asthma, special attention should be paid to the role of the asthmatic person in the treatment process. Compliance with the recommendations allows you to lead a lifestyle that is practically indistinguishable from the usual routine of a healthy person. Bronchial asthma requires attention, but it is a fairly well-studied disease that you can live with.  

event_note January 4, 2021

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