
Fenoterol is a powerful bronchodilator , which is a selective beta-2-adrenergic agonist. It is used for pathologies of the respiratory system that provoke the development of bronchospasm. Also, the medication is used to contract the muscles of the uterus. The substance fenoterol can be found in drugs such as Ditek , Berodual and Berodual Forte. Each of these funds should be used only after consultation with the attending physician.


The spectrum of action of Fenoterol depends on the form of release. The drug is used for bronchial asthma, obstructive diseases of the respiratory system. Also, Fenoterol is prescribed for diagnostic purposes. A bronchodilator is used to test the function of shallow breathing. An important reason for using Fenoterol is the preparation of the patient for treatment with mucolytics and antibiotics in the form of aerosols.

For complicated labor, relaxation of the uterus, intrauterine hypoxia, Fenoterol is administered intramuscularly. The medication is taken orally if the patient suffers from:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • with the threat of premature birth;
  • emphysema of the lungs.


Fenoterol is strictly forbidden to use in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • myocarditis, mitral valve malfunction, myocardial infarction;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • progressive diabetes mellitus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • surges in blood pressure.

The first three months of pregnancy are considered relative restrictions. This is due to the fact that Fenoterol during this period of time provokes the occurrence of intense contractions of the uterus. If precautions are taken, the risk of negative consequences in the second and third trimesters is minimal.

Fenoterol is found in breast milk, therefore, the medication is also not used during lactation. A bronchodilator is prescribed if there is a need for symptomatic therapy. Through it, the inflammatory process is stopped. Treatment should take place under medical supervision. To calculate the exact dosage, Fenoterol is prescribed only after receiving the results of a diagnostic examination.

During therapy, the patient should regularly undergo clinical studies. Keeping potassium levels in check helps to prevent negative effects. Children (less than 6 years old) are considered absolute contraindications.

pharmachologic effect

Fenoterol is characterized by high beta-2 selectivity. The mechanism of action of this drug is explained by the activation of adenylate cyclase receptors . This is fraught with the formation of a substance that increases the functionality of the calcium pump, and also lowers the concentration of calcium. Fenoterol relieves airway spasm well, stimulates clearance.

The drug has tocolytic and relaxing effects. The list of benefits also includes high performance and a wide range of actions. Fenoterol is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The metabolism of the active component occurs in the liver. It is excreted using urine and bile.

Additional bonuses include:

  • a decrease in the amount of calcium ions in muscle fibers;
  • elimination of signs of respiratory and cardiovascular failure;
  • increasing the functionality of the mucous membranes lining the bronchi.

Release forms

Fenoterol is sold in the form of an aerosol, injection and infusion solutions, composition for inhalation and tablets. The choice of the form is carried out, focusing on the diagnosis.

Medicinal composition

One pill of Fenoterol contains 5 mg of the main component of the same name. The tablets are placed in vials, each containing 100 pills.

In addition to the active ingredient, the aerosol of Fenoterol contains:

  • ethanol;
  • propellant R134a;
  • triethyl citrate ;
  • lemon acid.

In appearance, the composition is characterized by a lack of color. The solution is placed in a container made of stainless steel.

Fenoterol for inhalation contains fenoterol hydrobromide, citric acid monohydrate, sodium benzoate, edetate disodium dihydrate . This composition is used together with water for injection.

Admission Guide

Fenoterol, sold in the form of a solution for inhalation, is allowed to be used in the treatment of patients over 6 years old. The dose is determined taking into account the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient. A repeated dose is inhaled if the positive effect did not occur 5 minutes after the start of the session. In the absence of a positive effect, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Fenoterol tablets are taken in full accordance with the prescribed therapeutic regimen. Also, Fenoterol is taken (administered) intravenously, intramuscularly and drip .

When choosing the dosage and form of release of the drug, drug interactions with drugs from other pharmacological groups must be taken into account. Corticosteroids, xanthine derivatives, beta- adrenergic and anticholinergics increase the effectiveness of Fenoterol. When beta-mimetics and anticholinergics are combined with Fenoterol, the risk of adverse reactions increases.

The organs of the cardiovascular system can be affected by inhalations carried out with enflurane and trichlorethylene. The combination of the drug Fenoterol and sodium chromoglycate is fraught with the neutralization of the positive effect obtained during the course of treatment.

Beta-2-adrenergic agonist is strictly forbidden to combine with substances that slow down the production of prostaglandin synthetase. Even with short-term therapy, careful monitoring of the patient’s general condition is required.

Shelf life

Fenoterol is available over the counter with a doctor’s prescription. The drug should be stored for no longer than 3 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the cardboard box.

Storage conditions

The temperature in the room where Fenoterol is located should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius. The drug should be kept out of the reach of pets and small children.


If there are contraindications, structural and functional substitutes are prescribed instead of Fenoterol. The list of the most effective contains Berotek , Ftagirol , Aruterol , Partusisten . Each of these medicines has its own indications, side effects and limitations. Therefore, the doctor should deal with the selection of an analogue. Otherwise, the patient cannot avoid the appearance of negative consequences.

Side effects

Violations in the regimen of taking the drug Fenoterol can affect:

  • circulatory system – anginal pain , arrhythmia;
  • CNS – unreasonable anxiety, tremor of the limbs;
  • pulmonary system – debilitating cough, bronchospasm;
  • Gastrointestinal tract – belching, bowel upset, dyspepsia.

Exceeding the daily rate of Fenoterol is fraught with an overdose. It leads to bronchial obstruction, which provokes the development of irreversible pathological changes.

When undergoing therapy, the patient must follow the doctor’s recommendations and the manufacturer’s instructions. The official instructions for use are in the original packaging along with the medicine.

event_note December 27, 2020

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