Theophilus SR

Teofil SR is a drug that belongs to xanthines. The abbreviation SR (SR) indicates that the medication has a long-term positive effect. Subject to the prescribed therapeutic regimen, the required dose of the drug is in the patient’s blood. Theophilus is characterized by powerful bronchodilator properties.

The medication has an effect on:

  • smooth muscles – the drug restores the functionality of the pulmonary vessels and bronchial tree;
  • respiratory center – Theophilus eliminates hypoxia, improves lung ventilation, makes receptors more sensitive;
  • blood composition – the medicine slows down the development of antigens, prevents the destruction of red blood cells;
  • diaphragm muscles – Theophilus affects their contractility.

Also Theophilus SR stops the body’s reaction to allergens. This prevents the aggravation of asthma. When this drug is taken, the blood vessels that penetrate the kidneys and heart dilate. The beneficial effect of Teofil is reduced if there is a history of renal or hepatic impairment.

Who is indicated for use

Theophilus is highly effective, safe and broad-spectrum. The drug is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. A significant reason for the appointment of this medication are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart;
  • paroxysmal sleep apnea, which manifests itself at night;
  • pulmonary hypertension.

Through Theophilus, symptomatic therapy is carried out for many diseases of the respiratory system.

Possible limitations

Despite all the positive characteristics, the drug cannot be used without the agreement of the attending physician. This is due to the presence of relative and absolute contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • children’s age (up to 6 years old);
  • ulcerative pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients that make up the drug;
  • epileptic seizures, convulsions;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • subaortic syrup;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke

For pregnant and lactating women, Theophilus is prescribed only as a last resort. The active components of this medication penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk when feeding an infant. Particular care should be taken when treating patients suffering from hypertension, cardiomyopathy, tachyarrhythmia, and hyperthyroidism. If there are contraindications, Theophilus is replaced with an analogue, most often Teotard or Theophylline (in tablets) is prescribed.

The principle of the drug

Theophilus enters the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient takes the medicine during or after a meal, the rate of absorption is greatly slowed down. The maximum concentration is recorded 6-9 hours after taking the drug. The metabolism of the active ingredients of Theophilus takes place in the liver (90%) and kidneys (10%).

Due to the regular intake of medication, the following occurs:

  • suppression of PDE activity;
  • stabilization of the cAMP level;
  • blocking the production of adenosine;
  • relaxation of blood vessels and smooth muscles;
  • increased sensitivity of functional cells in relation to carbon dioxide;
  • decreased hyperreactivity of the affected bronchi;
  • an increase in T-suppressors.

Active components

Theophilus’ main ingredient is theophylline anhydrous. It is supplemented with micropellets, azorubin, bleached shellac, gelatin and talc. One capsule of the drug can contain 100, 200 or 300 mg of active ingredient.

Forms of release of Theophilus SR

Theophilus SR is sold in the form of hard gelatin capsules. They consist of a lid (pink, dark blue, green), a transparent body and a white filler. The latter is based on spherical micropellets. The pills are placed in special blisters, which are then placed in a cardboard box.

Instructions for use

Theophilus is administered orally. The capsules must be taken with water. Soda, tea, coffee and juice will not work for this. The one-time rate of Theophilus is determined on an individual basis. The doctor must take into account the diagnosis, the general condition of the patient, his weight and age. When undergoing therapy, the patient is referred to clinical control studies. With their help, the concentration of the active substance in the blood is determined. If it is below the prescribed norm, the dose of Theophilus will be increased.

The course of treatment begins with a minimum dose of medication. After a few days, it is increased, achieving the maximum therapeutic effect. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to find a balance between the positive effect and the risk of developing adverse reactions. The latter most often occur in the elderly and patients with a history of cardiovascular pathology.

When prescribing therapy, special attention is paid to the drug interaction of Theophilus with other medicines:

  1. Furosemide, methylxanthines, beta-adrenergic agonists – enhance the therapeutic effect.
  2. Ephedrine-containing formulations – increased risk of adverse reactions.
  3. Cimetidine, isoprenaline, contraceptives, macrolide antibiotics – in this case, a reduction in a single dose of Teofil is required.
  4. Phenytoin, Ritonavir, Aminoglutethimide – there is a need to increase the daily intake of Theophylline.
  5. Ketamine – Negatively affects the seizure threshold.
  6. Doxapram – stimulates the central nervous system.

Storage conditions

Theophilus should be kept indoors, the air temperature should be no more than +25 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to store capsules in their original packaging, out of the reach of small children and pets. The expiration date of Theophilus does not exceed 3 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the package. The medication can be purchased at any inpatient pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription.

Adverse reactions

If the order of admission is violated, Theophilus can provoke disturbances in many body systems:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract – dyspepsia, pain in the abdomen, upset stools, accelerated progression of peptic ulcer disease.
  2. CNS – severe headaches, chronic fatigue, sleep problems, convulsive syndrome, tremors of the extremities, impaired psycho-emotional background.
  3. Heart and blood vessels – tachycardia, hypotension, ventricular arrhythmia, angina attacks.
  4. Organs of the respiratory system – increased frequency of shallow breathing.
  5. Kidneys, urinary tract – diuresis, changes in the composition of urine.

This list is complemented by skin rashes, pathological hair loss, increased plasma triglyceride concentrations.

When the first signs of malaise appear, the patient should immediately visit a doctor. After identifying the exact cause, he will prescribe symptomatic therapy. If the one-time norm of Theophilus is exceeded, an overdose may occur. Its appearance is fraught with a strong deterioration in well-being. To remove negative symptoms, you must follow the algorithm:

  1. Stop taking Theophilus.
  2. Cleanse the stomach and intestines. To do this, take laxatives, activated charcoal, diuretics.
  3. In the absence of a positive effect, plasmasorption is carried out. With convulsive syndrome, intravenous injections of Diazepam are given.

The patient must warn the doctor about the drugs that he was prescribed earlier. Glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics and phenobarbiturates affect the mechanism of action of Theophilus. If mild tachycardia occurs, symptomatic treatment is usually not required. When the general condition worsens, medications from the group of beta-blockers are prescribed.

In any case, the patient who was prescribed Theophilus must follow the instructions for use and the recommendations of the attending physician. The use of this medication should be determined by the results of a diagnostic examination. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

event_note December 30, 2020

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