Respiratory gymnastics after pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease of the respiratory system, it must be treated promptly and correctly. The medical complex includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, methods of traditional medicine. But breathing exercises after pneumonia contributes to the rapid recovery of damaged mucous membranes. As a result, the patient’s condition is stabilized.

Exercises are chosen taking into account the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, before prescribing exercise therapy, they are sent to undergo a complete medical examination. This will prevent the occurrence of negative consequences. Each technique has contraindications. The risk of developing side effects increases due to the following factors:

  • age (less than a year, more than 60 years);
  • chronic diseases of the heart and respiratory system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • smoking.

The duration of the course of gymnastics depends on the stage of pneumonia, complications (if any). Adjuvant therapy often lasts longer than the main treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs is a disease that is difficult for the body to tolerate. With the accelerated progression of the inflammatory process, the affected area rapidly increases. After eliminating the root cause, the respiratory system is in a weakened state for a long period. Respiratory gymnastics normalizes lung function and has a positive effect on other organs. To achieve the desired effect, the patient must follow the instructions of the doctor.


Physical therapy can be done at home. Exercise is necessary if the patient is suffering from clinical manifestations against which drugs are powerless. Thanks to the main course of treatment with physical education, it is possible to achieve a more rapid elimination of the malaise provoked by inflammation. After all, breathing problems are usually present in the clinical picture longer than signs of intoxication and an increased body temperature.

A person who has already recovered will suffer for a long time from shallow breathing, dyspnea (shortness of breath), and bouts of residual cough. These symptoms most often occur if the patient has had a severe form of pneumonia. In this case, the restoration of the affected mucous membranes takes a long period, during which the lungs are unable to perform their functions in full. Shortness of breath indicates that there is not enough oxygen that enters the body. With a residual cough, sputum is not released. Respiratory gymnastics relieves discomfort, restores the volume of inhaled air.


Not everyone is allowed to do gymnastics. This method has several contraindications, among them:

  • depletion of the body – urgent hospitalization and complete rest are required to normalize the condition;
  • cardiovascular diseases – additional stress on the respiratory system will weaken the patient’s body;
  • fever, chills – indicate an increase in body temperature;
  • acute respiratory failure – exercise will lead to the accelerated development of pathology and the emergence of serious complications;
  • mental pathologies, due to which it becomes impossible to perform the prescribed manipulations.

Physiotherapy is not carried out with acute pneumonia. Before doing the exercises, the patient is trained. It is necessary to normalize general well-being (eliminate hyperthermia, stabilize blood pressure, relieve characteristic symptoms).

The benefits of breathing exercises

Due to the timely implementation of the therapeutic course of gymnastics:

  • improves blood circulation in the lungs;
  • the risk of developing pulmonary emphysema, atelectasis and adhesions is reduced;
  • immunity increases;
  • stagnation of mucus in the lungs is prevented;
  • the amplitude of movements of the chest and diaphragm increases;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • eliminates chronic fatigue;
  • metabolic metabolism is restored at the cellular level;
  • deformation of the chest is prevented;
  • the level of hemoglobin rises;
  • the respiratory tract is cleared.

Respiratory gymnastics is prescribed only after stopping the inflammatory process. Less harmful compounds penetrate into the body, the negative impact of the external environment decreases. Physical therapy is often used as a preparatory stage before drainage of accumulated phlegm in the bronchi.

Strelnikova gymnastics is ranked among the most popular techniques. This complex is used in parallel with massage therapy. First, be sure to warm up. If the attacks end in profuse sputum production, “extended” inhalation of air is used during exercise. This makes the cough more productive.

In the first days after recovery, breathing exercises are carried out while in a horizontal position. After a noticeable improvement in general condition, the exercises can be performed while sitting. Throughout the entire therapeutic course, the patient should regularly visit the doctor. Only he can make changes in the order of the classes.

What exercises are allowed

A gymnastics session begins with exercises to restore breathing. The patient lies down on a horizontal surface. The back must remain flat throughout the exercise, hands are placed along the body. Breathe in with your nose and exhale with your mouth. A total of 30 to 60 exhalations and inhalations are required. Further, the warm-up is continued while standing or sitting. The doctor may include the following exercises in the scheme:

  1. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are unfolded (all fingers, except the thumb, “look” forward). In one lesson, you need to do 6-8 approaches (inhale-exhale).
  2. Both hands are pulled up, inhaling in parallel. Then the patient freezes in this position for a few seconds, relaxes and gradually, as he exhales, lowers his arms down. It is required to carry out from 3 to 6 approaches.
  3. The patient sits on the floor. When inhaling, the feet are raised, while exhaling, they are extended. In one session, up to 10 breaths are taken.

Each exercise has its own positive effect. You can do gymnastics at the workplace. To achieve cleansing of the bronchi from mucus, you should take a breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly with a narrowly compressed mouth. The effectiveness of this exercise can be increased. During exhalation, the patient must reproduce a vibrating sound. In this case, the cleansing of the airways is accompanied by the elimination of the spasm.

When using gymnastics according to Strelnikova, the patient should be in a calm, relaxed state. All exercises are pretty simple:

  1. Rotation of the hands. Do 5-8 approaches, alternating inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Raising hands. The patient, being in an upright position, places his arms along the body. The left hand is raised while inhaling, and when exhaling, it is lowered. Then they change their hand and repeat it all over again.
  3. Swing your legs. The patient stands on a flat surface (legs should be brought together). On inhalation, one leg is raised, on exhalation, it is lowered. Pause to even out breathing and repeat the movement with the other leg.

In the first few days, the duration of the session is no more than 10 minutes. Subsequently, it is increased. Tongue twisters are a good workout. If, while pronouncing them, slowly inhale and exhale air, the functionality of the muscles responsible for the work of the lungs increases.

When doing breathing exercises, it is strictly forbidden to overload yourself. The body is already weakened after pneumonia. The return to its previous form, even with a mild form of this ailment, occurs within 4-6 weeks. Therefore, the load should be increased gradually. In especially difficult cases, gymnastics is performed under the supervision of the attending physician.

Safety engineering

When carrying out gymnastics for the lungs after pneumonia, the patient must observe the following rules:

  1. The exercises of the medical complex are divided into several categories. You need to start with the simplest ones. Over time, both the intensity of the movements and the duration of the session increase. Ignoring the plan developed by the doctor is fraught with deterioration in well-being.
  2. You cannot change the lesson scheme yourself. Respiratory exercises are done two to three times a day. Increasing the number of sessions will lead to side effects. Among them are light dizziness and headache.
  3. If weakness appears after class, you need to see a doctor. He will identify the cause of the ailment and, if necessary, revise the therapeutic course.

Respiratory gymnastics is an obligatory part of the medical complex prescribed to a child and an adult with pneumonia. Thanks to it, the recovery period is shortened, the risk of re-infection is reduced. Subject to medical recommendations, the lungs are fully restored after the previous illness. A patient who has suffered pneumonia must be registered with a pulmonologist for a year.

event_note October 27, 2021

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