Respiratory gymnastics and exercise therapy for bronchial asthma

Asthma is a chronic pathology that affects the respiratory system. During an exacerbation, it can lead to the development of a life-threatening condition, causing a narrowing of the lumen of the airways and suffocation. Traditional therapy of the disease involves the use of inhaled glucocorticoids , bronchodilators and a number of other drugs. In the treatment of the disease, physiotherapy exercises and massage have proven themselves well. Respiratory gymnastics for asthma is another effective method of therapy, it complements traditional methods, helping to improve the patient’s condition, reduce the intensity of attacks and their frequency.


In addition to the fact that breathing exercises have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, it helps to cope with the symptoms of influenza and SARS, radiation sickness, and allergies. Exercise helps to improve well-being in sarcoidosis , a systemic disease accompanied by the formation of foci of inflammation in the form of granulomas. The disease can affect many organs, but more often it has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. Gymnastics is effective for tumors and neoplasms such as angioma, papilloma, fibroma.

Breathing exercises promote recovery from:

  • anemia, stroke, migraines, cardiac arrhythmias, inflammation of the lymph nodes, thrombosis;
  • inflammation of the maxillary, frontal and paranasal sinuses, larynx, throat, adenoids, rhinitis;
  • peptic ulcer, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, pancreas, large and small intestines, hemorrhoids, constipation;
  • asthma (allergic, infectious, mixed or unspecified) inflammation of the lungs, trachea, bronchi and pleura, emphysema, pneumothorax, collapse of lung tissue, bronchial deformation, tuberculosis;
  • inflammatory ailments of the liver and kidneys, cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • varicocele , impotence, prostatitis, hernia, inflammation of the appendages, proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus, infertility;
  • endocrine ailments: diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • epilepsy, sleep disorders, alcoholism, neuropsychiatric diseases, paralysis;
  • inflammation in various parts of the ear;
  • osteochondrosis, joint damage, radiculitis, deformity, hernia of the spine, dislocation, injuries, injuries of the arms and legs.


Asthmatics should not do gymnastics if there are diseases accompanied by fever, concussion, internal bleeding. You can not resort to the technique if severe respiratory failure is diagnosed. It is characterized by a lack of air at rest, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin, a lack of oxygen in the blood, which can cause serious complications, while the brain suffers the most.

Limitations are diseases, spinal injuries, including cervical osteochondrosis – in this case, you need to consult a doctor. If the patient is depressed or does not feel well, breathing exercises will not bring benefits, so it is worth postponing it until the state of health and mood returns to normal.

Types of exercises

There are many exercises recommended for the condition. Therapeutic physical culture is used both at the stationary and at the sanatorium and polyclinic stages of rehabilitation of patients. The tasks of exercise therapy in bronchial asthma are: maintaining muscle tone through physical effort and improving the function of the respiratory system.

Physical therapy includes physical activity and breathing exercises, which can be carried out in a medical institution, a gym (as part of a special group), or at home, after consulting a doctor. It is often recommended to use a gymnastic ball when doing exercises.

Respiratory sound gymnastics is based on the fact that pronunciation of different sounds in certain combinations and sequences helps to normalize breathing. The purpose of the technique is to relax the muscles by means of vibration generated by the vocal cords, which is transmitted to the bronchi and lungs.

Game breathing exercises are designed for preschool children. A good effect is achieved even in the course of performing the most simple actions – blowing seeds off a dandelion, whistling, inflating balloons. The minimum age for a child is 2 years.

Strelnikova’s method

A great contribution to the development of respiratory gymnastics was made by the method of the opera singer A.N. Strelnikova (1912-1989). In her youth, she lost her voice; to restore it, the woman used breathing exercises. Over the years, the technique has been improved, saving its author from the attacks of suffocation caused by heart disease.
Examples of exercises:

  • Lying in bed on your back, you need to exhale to pull your knees to your chest. 4-8 repetitions are performed, if strength remains, as much as possible.
    To do the exercise, you need to sit on a chair. When air is inhaled, the hands go to the sides, then on exhalation they cover the left knee and pull it to the chest, then the right.
  • Inhalation is carried out with the right nostril, and exhalation with the left and vice versa. You need to help yourself with your hand, alternately closing one or the other nostril.
  • On inhalation, you need to inflate the stomach as much as possible, then a quick and sharp exhalation follows, and the stomach is drawn in.
  • To prevent an attack, you need to turn your head in different directions. For each movement, there is a short, sharp breath. At the same time, the legs are slightly apart. After 8 turns, an extended, relaxed exhalation follows. The exercise is repeated 12 times.
  • During an attack, the following exercise will be effective. The legs are spaced 30–40 cm apart, the arms are at right angles to the stomach. Then you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, without crossing your limbs, slightly squeezing the chest. The movement is accompanied by a sharp breath.
  • The complex includes 12 sets of 8 exercises.
  • When an attack approaches, such an exercise can help: while sitting, putting your hands on your knees, while inhaling, you need to tilt the body forward, while exhaling, straighten. After 4 movements, a short (several seconds) rest follows. You need to repeat until it gets better.

The importance of proper technique

Respiratory gymnastics must be performed twice a day.

In order for breathing exercises with a disease to be as effective as possible, you need to follow the rules for its implementation. One of the main principles is regularity. You need to do it twice a day. The first improvements from breathing exercises can be felt after a week’s course.

Inhalation – always sharp and short, is done with the nose. All movements are carried out while inhaling. Exhalation is relaxed, unforced, soundless. Produced by mouth. The number of repetitions increases with exercise, but should be a multiple of 4. During the exercise, you can not talk. It is better to carry out gymnastics in the fresh air.


Despite the effectiveness of breathing exercises, they do not cancel the drug treatment of the disease, being not the main, but an auxiliary method of treating the disease. The technique has contraindications, therefore, before starting training, you need to make sure that there are no restrictions on breathing exercises by consulting your doctor.

Expected Result

Regular breathing exercises lead to a number of positive effects:

  • the body is better saturated with oxygen;
  • the disease is easier – attacks become less frequent, remission – longer;
  • intoxication decreases;
  • sputum discharge improves;
  • muscle tone is strengthened;
  • pulmonary volume increases;
  • improves the elimination of toxins;
  • immunity is activated;
  • the likelihood of developing status asthmaticus decreases – a dangerous complication of the disease that can lead to death;
  • blood circulation improves.
event_note April 26, 2021

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